- Generated Lecture notes in the www subdir, source in Slides
- Generating lecture notes and slides needs pandoc
$ cabal update
$ cabal install pandoc --installdir=$HOME/.local/bin # or your favorite bindir
$ PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
$ git clone git://github.com/mbenke/zpf2022.git
$ cd zpf2022/Slides
$ make
or using stack - https://haskellstack.org/
stack setup
stack install pandoc # this takes a longer while
export PATH=$(stack path --local-bin):$PATH
On students, using stack is not advised, but you can try using system GHC:
export STACK="/home/students/inf/PUBLIC/MRJP/Stack/stack --system-ghc"
$STACK setup --resolver lts-19.33
$STACK config set system-ghc --global true
$STACK config set resolver lts-19.33
$STACK upgrade --force-download # or cp stack executable to your path
# ...
# Should I try to perform the file copy using sudo? This may fail
# Try using sudo? (y/n) n
export PATH=$($STACK path --local-bin):$PATH
Installing pandoc
takes time and is optional, there are prebuilt HTML files in the www
folder (or you can just read markdown).