An html bot / assistant ###The problem: Many students often forget to visit their school's / teacher's website and as a result they don't get informed about important tasks like homework, registration to a course, exam etc. and this problem affects their academic development.
###The solution: Simple. A bot / assistant that checks web pages you are interested in and every time a change occurs, it notifies you.
- Prerequisites: pip (python's package manager), python 2.7
$ git clone
$ cd igor
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set the environment variables used by igor:
$ export IGOR_EMAIL_PASSWD='yOuRp@ssWd'
☝️ Note that the gmail account that the bot will use to send emails has to enable less secure apps, you can to that [here] (
❗ You can not enable less secure apps if you have 2fa enabled. (Just create another gmail.)
- Set the urls you are interested in by changing the urls.conf file. Every line of the file corresponds to a url. Remove any blank lines.
👏 👏 👏 You are all set.
Use with [CRON] ( so it runs once every day or every time your computer reboots or whatever you want.