Quantocracy - blog aggregator
Quantpedia - Encyclopedia of strategies; not free access
Academic Quant News - academic paper aggregator
Quant News - Quantitative Trading
PyQuant News - resources and news
https://qoppac.blogspot.com/ - Systematic Trading - A unique new method for designing trading and investing systems
financial-machine-learning - A curated list of practical financial machine learning (FinML) tools and applications from FirmAI
research - financial machine learning from Hudson and Thames, blog
awesome-quant - Awesome quant is another curated list of quant
Awesome-Quant-Machine-Learning-Trading - Quant/Algorithm trading resources with an emphasis on Machine Learning
awesome-deep-trading - List of awesome resources for machine learning-based algorithmic trading
awesome-ai-in-finance - Machine learning strategies and useful tools use in financial market
Algorithmic Trading: Winning Strategies and Their Rationale, 2013
Machine Learning for Finance: Principles and practice for financial insiders, 2019
Trading Evolved: Anyone can Build Killer Trading Strategies in Python, 2019 - author of Following the Trend
Artificial Intelligence in Finance: A Python-Based Guide, 2020 - to be published
Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading 2nd Edition, 2020 - more pertinent to trading than the first edition
Moody, John, and Matthew Saffell. "Learning to trade via direct reinforcement." IEEE transactions on neural Networks 12.4 (2001): 875-889. - recurrent reinforcement learning + Q-learning, Sharpe 2.3
Hryshko*, Andrei, and Tom Downs. "System for foreign exchange trading using genetic algorithms and reinforcement learning." International journal of systems science 35.13-14 (2004): 763-774. - used a genetic algorithm for in-sample trading strategy search to select the optimal trading strategy of entry and exit rules, The data, namely the financial indicators making up the rules were then passed on to the q learning
Sherstov, Alexander A., and Peter Stone. "Three automated stock-trading agents: A comparative study." International Workshop on Agent-Mediated Electronic Commerce. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004. - For the reinforcement learning algorithm, the action space consisted only of a single variable that represented the volume of shares to purchase (if number is positive) or sell (if number is negative) with the price to buy and sell determined by the market at that point in time. static order-book imbalance strategy.
Jangmin, O., et al. "Adaptive stock trading with dynamic asset allocation using reinforcement learning." Information Sciences 176.15 (2006): 2121-2147. - portfolio management
Li, Hailin, Cihan H. Dagli, and David Enke. "Short-term stock market timing prediction under reinforcement learning schemes." 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Approximate Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning. IEEE, 2007. - The 50-day training period was fixed and used to train the system for the next day prediction on a rolling basis
Corazza, Marco, and Andrea Sangalli. "Q-Learning and SARSA: a comparison between two intelligent stochastic control approaches for financial trading." University Ca'Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics Research Paper Series No 15 (2015). - on-policy vs off-policy; Q-learning > SARSA
Cumming, James, Dalal Alrajeh, and Luke Dickens. "An investigation into the use of reinforcement learning techniques within the algorithmic trading domain." Imperial College London: London, UK (2015). - fx, least-squares temporal difference
D’Eramo, Carlo, Marcello Restelli, and Alessandro Nuara. "Estimating maximum expected value through gaussian approximation." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2016. - FX ε-greedy policy Q-learning, ε-greedy policy double Q-learning and weighted Q-learning as well as weighted policy for weighted Q-learning; weighted Q-learning performs the best.
Pendharkar, Parag C., and Patrick Cusatis. "Trading financial indices with reinforcement learning agents." Expert Systems with Applications 103 (2018): 1-13. - allocation between stock and bond, rebalance, online learning
García-Galicia, Mauricio, Alin A. Carsteanu, and Julio B. Clempner. "Continuous-time reinforcement learning approach for portfolio management with time penalization." Expert Systems with Applications 129 (2019): 27-36. - portfolio management, continuous-time discrete-state Markov chain
Kanwar, Nitin. Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Portfolio Management. Diss. 2019. - uses reinforcement learning to optimise a financial portfolio in order to maximise the return over a long period. The algorithm was model free but the parameters were learned and iteratively improved using Policy Gradient and Actor Critic Methods on real past stock market data. Sharpe 0.486
Sornmayura, Sutta. "Robust forex trading with deep q network (dqn)." ABAC Journal 39.1 (2019). - Q-Learning > buy and hold