Overview This project implements an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain using Solidity and deploys it using Hardhat. The token is named "MyToken" (MTK) and has an initial supply of 100 tokens.
Getting Started........ Prerequisites Node.js and npm installed Hardhat and required dependencies
Installation- Install dependencies: npm install
Compile the contracts: npx hardhat compile
Deploy the ERC20 token: npx hardhat run scripts/deployMyToken.js --network ganache This will deploy the MyToken contract and mint 100 tokens to the deployer's address.
Project Structure contracts/: Contains the Solidity smart contract for the ERC20 token. scripts/: Contains the deployment script. hardhat.config.js: Hardhat configuration file. README.md: Project documentation. License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
Acknowledgments OpenZeppelin: For providing standard contracts and security best practices. Credits Author: Mayuresh Pawar Email: mannpawar20@gmail.com