The Hueman theme helps you increase your traffic and engage your visitors. It loads fast and is 100% mobile-friendly according to Google. Best rated theme for blogs and magazines on Powering 70K+ websites around the world.
View more themes from this author:
- Demo :
- Documentation :
The Nimble Builder is a free plugin hosted on It’s a lightweight section builder intended to be the content creation companion of the Hueman theme. It allows you to drag and drop pre-built sections, or create your own sections, in live preview from the WordPress customizer.
The Nimble Builder plugin is documented here
The Hueman WordPress theme theme is nothing but 100% GPLv3. See headers of files for further details.GNU GPL v3.0 or later
= 3.4.9 November 23rd 2018 =
- fixed : set only the featured posts thumbnail img width to 100%. fixes #703
- fixed : hu_is_customize_left_panel() => the check on $pagenow does not work on multisite install
- added : add sidebars background color option. fixes #718
- improved : add wp 5.0 compatibility patch. fixes #719
- improved : improve gutenberg alignment compatibility. fixes #702
- improved : Nimble Builder compatibility. Don't load css and javascript front assets when using the full Nimble template
- improved : replace select2 with our namespaced czrSelect2
= 3.4.8 November 7th 2018 =
- improved : make sure to use the more proper the_title_attribute wp function. fixes #713
- improved : add responsive embeds (videos) support for the new WordPress editor. fixes #708
- added : social icons line, map, discord
= 3.4.7 October 24th 2018 = fixed : The "cover image" block of the new WP editor has been renamed "cover". See WordPress/gutenberg#10659, but posts created with the former cover-image block will still use the wp-block-cover-image css class. related to #702
= 3.4.6 October 24th 2018 =
- added : support for new WordPress editor, block cover image alignwide/alignfull
= 3.4.5 October 13th 2018 =
- fixed : prefixed TGMPA class with HU_ to fix potential collision with other plugins using the same class. see issue presscustomizr/customizr#1603
= 3.4.4 October 12th 2018 =
- improved : display only one admin notification ( if any ) at a time
- improved : various minor plugin compatibility improvements
= 3.4.3 October 8th 2018 =
- added : a new option for collapsible submenus in mobiles
= 3.4.2 October 7th 2018 =
- Fix: Gutenberg reponsive video embed compatiblity issue. fixes #698
- Imp : better Nimble section builder integration
= 3.4.1 August 1st 2018 =
- imp : adapt the post format metaboxes to the Gutenberg editor plugin
- fix: make the color of the external link icon the same as the user defined primary color. fixes #686
- fixed : url validation broken in the social links module
- added : new option to force the global column layout, even in contexts where it has been customized
- added : new option to disable the icon + text before the archive titles
- added : new option to use the original featured image size in grids.fixes #691
- added : Strava social network in the list of icons. fixes #162
= 3.4.0 June 27th 2018 =
- Improvements : Performance and UX enhancements made to the live customizer. Compatibility with the contextualizer feature introduced in Hueman Addons v2.1.0.
= 3.3.28 June 22nd 2018 =
- Improvements : various fixes and improvement to stay compliant with the themes requirements : removed previewer dummy content and image, removed welcome note, removed help icon link in the admin bar
= 3.3.27 February 11th 2018 =
- Fix : update notice not always dismissable in admin
= 3.3.26 February 6th 2018 =
- Fix : in admin make sure the stylesheet to fix the wp-footer position is printed in the relevant context
- Imp : add translation catalogue (pot file)
- Imp : add the latest langpacks (for pro)
- Imp : update font awesome resources to the latest version (5)
- Imp : make function hu_is_authorized_tmpl pluggable so it can be redefined to include custom templates. fixes #564 #610
= 3.3.25 November 20th 2017 =
- Fix : WP 4.9 Code Editor issue could impact the custom css customizer option when checking errors in the code
= 3.3.24 November 16th 2017 =
- Fix : custom css compatibility issue with WP4.9. Fixes #596
= 3.3.23 November 13th 2017 =
- Fix : Contact Form 7 recaptcha CSS style issue. Fixes #566
- Fix : incorrect css rules for .screen-reader-text. Fixes #586
- Improved : the featured image of a page should be displayed in search results. Fixes #585
- Improved : compatibility with WP4.9, target release date November 14th 2017
= 3.3.22 October 14th 2017 =
- improved : various improvements in the welcome / about admin page
- improved : added a filter for the footer credits
- improved : performances => style.css doesn't have to be loaded if no child theme used.
- improved : a child theme css is now loaded after the css rules generated by the user options. fixes #577
- improved : user option generated css is now printed using wp_add_inline_style()
= 3.3.21 October 3rd 2017 =
- fix : bottom portion of sidebar gets cut off in tablet view when content is short. Fixes #476.
- fix : archive and page titles font-size. Fixes #535.
- fix : potential loss of customizations when wp_cache_get() returns false. Fixes #571.
- fix : social links not refreshing in the footer on initial customization ( when nothing printed yet )
- fix : headings hidden on mobile when no header image displayed. Fixes #527.
- added : new option js-mobile-detect for optional javascript Mobile device detection. Loads the mobile-detect script ( 35 kb ) when checked
- added : mobile-detect.js library conditionally enqueued
- improved : replaced the ajax call by a javascript library to check if the device is mobile. Fixes #567.
- improved : admin page wording and style
- improved : Footer credits made smaller. Now use the WordPress icon. Default link to the Hueman theme page instead of
- updated : customize control js
= 3.3.20 August 2nd 2017 =
- improved : added support for pagination in pages using . Compatible with the WP-PageNavi plugin. fixes #550
= 3.3.19 July 26th 2017 =
- fixed : fix sites managing compatiblity. fixes #541
- fixed : position of the header widget on mobile viewports fixes #543
- improvement : site title and logo options are mutually exclusive. Fixes #518
= 3.3.18 July 6th 2017 =
- fixed : more specificity for sidebars selectors in mobile viewports. Fixes #531.
= 3.3.17 July 3rd 2017 =
- fixed : correctly include front js parts
= 3.3.16 July 3rd 2017 =
- fixed : more css specificity added to the sidebars when building the dynamic style
= 3.3.15 July 3rd 2017 =
- fixed : more css specificity added to the sticky sidebars. Fixes #529
- fixed : the images of the featured post could be too high in some scenario. Two new image sizes have been added and a max-height depending on the culumn layout has been set in the css rules. fixes #525.
= 3.3.14 June 29th 2017 =
- fixed : Restrict the front ajax query when user has checked the sticky sidebars for either mobile devices or desktops, or both. Fixes #523.
- fixed : related posts should not inherit the main post-title fittext font-size
- added : new option in Adanced options > Mobile Devices > Make font sizes flexible. , responsive font-size is unchecked by default. Fixes #522
= 3.3.13 June 26th 2017 =
- fixed : when doing an ajax request on front, always make sure that the response is a well formed object, and fallback on the localized param if not
- updated : flexslider.min.js. Fixes : #511
- fixed : removed check_ajax_referer( 'hu-front-nonce', 'HuFrontNonce' ); when doing a front end ajax request. Should fix #512
- fixed : boxed - avoid header elements to horizontally overflow the viewport.fixes #508 3. and 4.fixes
- fixed : when the layout is boxed + sticky header on on dekstop, the width of the header should be inherited from the used width (or default one ), and not rely on %.
- fixed : comment reply font size too small when viewed in mobile. fixes #504
- fixed : wp contact form 7 style. fixes #491
- fixed : on the blog page, the ( optional ) featured posts thumbnail size was not large enough when using a 1 or 2 columns layout. 'thumb-large' size is now only used for 3 columns layout. Fixes #350
- fixed: fix use of the add_editor_style wp function : needs relative paths + add rtl class to the inline font style in the wp editor see presscustomizr/customizr#926
- added : a custom event "header-image-loaded" : partially fixes presscustomizr#508
- replaced : hu_sanitize_hex_color() by core WP maybe_hash_hex_color doing the same job since WP 3.4
- improved : change page title tag from h2 to h1 to be consistent with single posts
- improved : increased .page-title font-size from 1em to 1.3em
- improved : .single .post-title from 2.375em to 2.62em => to make them taller than h2 title inside the content. Fix #515
- improved : 'header-mobile-sticky' classes shall not be added to the body element when 2 menus ( 'both_menus') are displayed on mobiles
- added : new localized params for a fittext implementation on front
- improved : slightly increased the max font-size of comments from 0.875rem to 0.93rem
- added : the headings ( Hx ) font size is now better resized for all type of devices with a dynamic resizing. Use fittext.js => based on the heading's parent container width, instead of relying on the css @media queries, not covering all device dimensions.
- added : include Custom Post Types in post lists ( archives and search results ). In archives, it handles the case where a CPT has been registered and associated with an existing built-in taxonomy like category or post_tag. Fixes #513
- added : new filters for hueman posts widget to alter the query args and the date format. Fixes #343
- added : '__before_logo_or_site_title' and '__after_logo_or_site_title' in hu_print_logo_or_title()
= 3.3.12 June 6th 2017 =
- fixed : when topbar is sticky and header has an header image, wait for the image to be fully loaded before setting the header's height. Fix #486
- fixed Issue in hu_get_raw_option, php warning. wp_cache_get( 'alloptions', 'options' ) should always be cast to an array(). It might happen that it returns a boolean. fixes #492
- fixed : fix inaccurate smartload img regex pattern => file extensions were not correctly taken in account
- changed : hu_get_placeholder_thumb() to hu_print_placeholder_thumb(). Retrocompatibility handled.
- added : js matchMedia utility. fallsback on old browsers compatibility
- improved : in hu_set_option remove redundant retrieving of theme options
= 3.3.11 May 16th 2017 =
- fixed : Compatibility issue with the Event Calendar plugin on date picker ( fixes #454 )
- fixed : wrong variable name in HU_utils::hu_cache_dp_options()
- fixed : search field background color in main header not inheriting the correct color
- fixed : desktop tobpar down arrow not showing up because fired too early
- fixed : sticky sidebars not properly disabled on tablets when option set
- fixed : php notice for undefined HUEMAN_VERSION constant in admin
- fixed : replaced OT_VERSION by time() for ot-admin-css as version param
- added a new option : in Header Design, "Apply a semi-transparent filter to the topbar on scroll." Enabled by default. ( fixes #469 )
- updated : Hueman Addons thumbnail
- updated : hu_related_posts by hu_get_related_posts. Retro compatibiliy handled in functions/init-retro-compat.php
- improved : esc_url to better support https protocol
- improved : remove ot datepicker and timepicker - hueman doesn't use them fixes #454
- improved : customizer control visibility dependencies
- improved : get wp_is_mobile() on front with an ajax request. Fixed #470
- improved : utility hu_booleanize_checkbox_val()
- improved : Mobile menu, if the selected menu location has no menu assigned, the theme will try to assign another menu in this order : topbar, mobile, header.
- improved : mobile children menu items style
- improved : mobile menu search field centering and width. Use of css calc()
- improved : the header ads widget can now be displayed on top of the header image
- improved : tmpl parts/related-posts now loaded with hu_get_template_part() to easily override it
- added : mobile menu, specific for mobile devices
- added : mobile menu notice for admin user if not mobile menu assigned
- added : new option to set a specific logo for mobile devices
- added : new option to print the logo / title and tagline on top of the header image
- added : new option Display the site title in the header. Enabled by default
- added : include attachments in search results
- added : fitText jQuery plugin ( < 1kb )
- added : js ajax utility
- added : utility hu_user_can_see_customize_notices_on_front()
- added : filter 'hu_is_related_posts_enabled' as condition to display the related_posts tmpl
- added : new option to include attachment images in search results. In the customizer, Advanced Options > Search Results.
- added : a dismissable welcome note on front for new users
= 3.3.10 April 28th 2017 =
- fixed : blog description rendering and blogdescription partial refresh fixes #450
- fixed : hu_get_search_title printing icons fixes #456
- fixed : fix IE11 js compatibility fixes #435
- fixed : Sticky sidebar, disabling on mobile should be consistent with wp_is_mobile()
- fixed : header title or logo is not anymore wrapped in a h1 tag
- added : desktop menus search field options. Users can now add the search field in top menu or in the header menu. Implemented for desktop and mobile devices.
- added : hu_get_id() utility
- added : HU_IS_PRO_ADDONS constant
- added : implemented pro link
- added : implemented a better sticky menu options. Users can now choose between : don't show on scroll, always visible, reveal on scroll up. Implemented for desktop and mobile devices.
- improved : front end javascript framework performances
- improved : sidebars are not sticky by default
- improved : style.css comments
- improved : WooCommerce compatibility
= 3.3.9 April 6th 2017 =
- fixed : update flexslider to the latest version #427
- fixed : topbar width when global layout is boxed
- fixed : the topbar menu should be the page menu if not set in preview demo mode
- added : a new section header menus in the customizer
- added : 2 new options to enable sticky menu on desktop and on mobile
- added : 2 utility boolean functions hu_is_topbar_displayed() and hu_is_header_nav_displayed()
- added : 2 new options to control the visibility of the header widget zone
- added : a search bar in the mobile menu
- Imp: avoid woocommerce3.0 warnings on use of deprecated functions
= 3.3.8 April 5th 2017 =
- fixed : home layout not applied if static home page choosen
- fixed : prevdem mode should be turned off when user starts customizing
- fixed : user defined WP core settings like show_on_front should be preserved if customizing in prevdem mode
- fixed : don't wrap logo in h1 tag
- added match Media polyfill
- updated the parallax jquery plugin => added a matchMedia option set to 'only screen and (max-width: 768px)' by default
- added tmpl parts/header-nav-main.php
- added new hamburger menu markup, css + js
- improved : mobile menu slide up down using jQuery built-in methods
- improved : display a default page menu for topbar in prevdem mode
- improved : use the real template path in function hu_get_content()
- improved : only dispay the social link notice if user is_super_admin()
- added : utility hu_print_mobile_btn() used to render the mobile buttons in the header
- added : animated mobile menu button
- added : mobile menu style customizer option
- removed : dynamic style option. Dynamic style is now applied for each option as soon as the user change the option to a value different than default.
= 3.3.7 March 8th 2017 =
- fixed : drag resize image inserted into visual editor #415
= 3.3.6 March 1st 2017 =
- fixed : bug on threaded comments font-size getting too small since latest update
= 3.3.5 February 25th 2017 =
- Fixed : array to string error with hu_is_checked()
- Fixed : selective refresh disabled when link widget enabled. cf WP core ticket #39451
- Fixed : correctly handle sizes attribute when smartloading resp imgs ( fixes #316 )
- Improved : img to smartload must have an src which matches an allowed ext. Fixes issues with Ultimate Membership Pro
- Improved : add hueman specific widgets panel icon as inline customizer js
- Improved : front end jQuery plugins, rightly handle sizes/data-sizes attribute replacement in php
- Improved: customizer social links module user interface
- Improved : introduced hu_get_content( $tmpl ) which takes care of all content rendering inside section > .pad accross the theme
- Improved : post messaging for the social links customization
- Improved : customizer font option set to postMessage
- Improved : body font size set to 1rem == 16px in all browsers
- Improved : font sizes set in relative em instead of px unit
- Improved : the font list is now defined in one place in init-core.php
- Added : utility hu_is_real_home() => handles the case when the user want to display a page on home but did not pick a page yet
- Added : Gitlab icon to social links
- Added : wp_add_inline_style() on front allowing to add user option based css
- Added : a new template for the WordPress loop named post-list-articles.php for index.php, search.php and archive.php
- Added : 6 content templates in tmpl/ use to render the various contextual content : single, page, archive, search, 404, index
- Added : website font-size option in the customizer
- Added : icon size option for the social links
- Added : better support for WooCommerce
- Added : user font family to the wordpress editor
- Removed ru_RU translation files because it is not completed online
= 3.3.4 January 4th 2017 =
- fixed : customizer not loading when deprecated link widget is enabled
= 3.3.3 December 28th 2016 =
- fixed : customizer freezing on Safari 10.0.2, when Hueman Addons enabled with WP 4.7+ (#375)
- fixed : some widget area could not be controllable for specific pages (#374)
- improved : code : better syntax for boolean utility hu_is_customizing()
= 3.3.2 December 21st 2016 =
- fixed : quotes not being properly escaped in the customizer, leading to issues with some languages
= 3.3.1 December 19th 2016 =
- fixed : customizer frozen in an infinite load in some specific cases
- improved : featured-posts-include is displayed in the customizer only when is_home() context
- removed : Japanese translation translated 100% on
= 3.3.0 December 17th 2016 =
- fixed : php version older than 5.2 compatibility problem (#361)
- fixed : case when background-attachment is inherit (#363)
- fixed : set option use-header-image default to false
- fixed : default page menu in footer not taken in account (#368)
- added : support for customize selective refresh for header image
- added : support for customize selective refresh for site title
- changed : disable the default header page menu
- changed : in parts/header-main.php, echo hu_site_title() has been replaced by hu_print_logo_or_title(). The function hu_site_title() has been kept in the theme to ensure back compatibility for child theme users
- removed : Spanish, Persian and Czech translation files (es_ES, fa_IR, cz_CZ),now more than 95% translated on
- improved : avoid img smartload php parsing in ajax requests
- improved : customizer UI
- improved : compatibility with the scope feature of Hueman Addons
- improved : de_DE language file now translated at 97%, .po files removed from the theme. thanks @jaylinski
- improved : theme's option performances
= 3.2.12 December 6th 2016 =
- added : support for customize selective refresh for widgets
- improved : UI for custom css in the customizer
= 3.2.11 December 5th 2016 =
- updated : customizer made compatible with WP 4.7
- updated to Font Awesome 4.7.0 (#352)
- added : a home icon in the customizer
- fix : always check the existence of controls and settings instances before altering them ( #340 )
= 3.2.10 November 4th 2016 =
- fixed : php7 compatibility issues (#335)
- fixed : check if custom_logo is registered first for backward compatibility => custom_logo was introduced in WP 4.5. (#338)
- fixed : search results and archive pages must be included in the post list context check (#331)
- fixed : page=welcome.php. Changelog not properly displayed (#328)
- improved : Moved has_post_thumbnail() check inside the utility hu_the_post_thumbnail()
- improved : moved all preview demo actions and filter into a separate php file
- improved : core files reorganization. functions/init-core.php loads the various core files in a clearer sequence.
- improved : replace post loop counter with core variable (#274), in index.php, archive.php, search.php. No impact for child theme users.
- improved : in the customizer, the section 'Blog Design and Content' has been renamed 'Post Lists Design and Content : Blog, Archives, Search Results'
- improved : included all .po translation files in the theme between 30 and 95% translated (#325)
- improved : disabled the default page menu by default for multisite installs (#326)
- improved : added a note in the "Menus" customizer panel, explaining where to disable the default header page menu. (#329)
- improved : don't display widget placeholder when previewing the theme
- removed : useless old functions/theme-options.php file, related to the previous option system.
= 3.2.9 October 11th 2016 =
- fixed : WP embed not displayed correctly #298
- fixed : the saved item of mono item module has to be cast to array #323
- fixed :
blocks not formatted in comments fix #322
- fixed : WP embed not displayed correctly #298
- added : better demo placeholder thumbnail
- improved : replaced hu_is_child() by WP core function
- improved : placeholder thumb style
- improved : customizer js code updates
- removed : custom.css File From Theme. A better option is for the user to install a child theme or use a plugin. #319
= 3.2.8 September 29th 2016 =
- improved : remove unused code
- improved : set avatar size to 48px by default, like the stylesheet.apply_filters('hu_avatar_size', 48 )
= 3.2.7 September 29th 2016 =
- fixed : use WordPress core method the_widget() to render the optional default widgets
= 3.2.6 September 27th 2016 =
- fixed : footer page menu is disabled by default
- improved : default widgets in sidebars are now using their own instances
= 3.2.5 September 26th 2016 =
- fixed : don't use iCheck() js library for nav_menu* controls
- Imp: add requestAnimationFrame js polyfill. This improves the scroll event performance for all browsers.
- fixed : blinking images when the smart load is enabled
- fixed : 'blog-standard' boolean option was not handled with hu_is_checked() in the index template
- improved : hu_get_customizer_map(). Now can return a partial map. For example only the settings.
- added : support for WP custom logo. Backward compatibility : uses the existing logo image if already set. Still support the logo features for WP versions < 4.5
- added : a grid-item class to the post list article
- added : a grid-wrapper id to the post-list wrapper div element
- added : customizer : active_callback param for some sections and controls => better contextualisation of the customization
- added : customizer : Front Page Content section in the Content panel. Includes the reading WP default settings : static front page, blog page, ...
- added : option, the front page can be empty
- added : hu_is_home_empty() utility
- added : hu_is_post_list() utility. Typically used to contextualize the customization.
- added : in customizer > Content > Front Page, a link to blog design when relevant in the front page content section
- added : a consoleLog utility for the front js code
- added : svg animation plugins, dependencies : _, Vivus and HUParams
- added : 3 options in customizer to control default widgets. Enabled by default.
- added : default widgets are printed in the primary and secondary sidebars if no widgets have been added and if the options to display default widgets are enabled.
- added : default page menu in the header and footer if no menu assigned to those locations
- added : options in customizer to deactivate the default page menus
= 3.2.4 September 20th 2016 =
- improved : implement add_theme_support( 'custom-header') with the header_image theme_mod, in place of the previous header-image hueman option. Ensure retrocompatibility with the previous option.
= 3.2.3 September 12th 2016 =
- fixed : Plugin recommendation code was not up to date. Updated to TGMPA v2.6.1
= 3.2.2 September 11th 2016 =
- fixed : dismiss link not showing up in the Hueman Addons plugin recommendation admin notice
- added : title utility functions like hu_get_search_title()
- added : new template parts/single-heading.php, called in the template single.php
- improved : hu_get_template_part : added a boolean wp filter using the template name as param
- improved : In templates : 404, archive, page, search, child menu, index. Replace get_template_part() by hu_get_template_part()
- improved : template parts/page-title.php
= 3.2.1 September 7th 2016 =
- fixed : social networks javascript error in the customizer when upgrading from old versions (below 3+) to v3.2.0 (issue #296 )
- fixed : add back the comment section in the customizer, accidentally removed in the latest version (issue #292 )
- fixed : include dev-font-awesome.css in the build (fix issue #295 )
- added : TGMPA plugin recommendation class for Hueman Addons
- added : waypoint js lib (+9ko in script)
- imp : improve the events calendar compat with the img smartload feature
- imp : wrapper the_post_thumbnail into hu_the_post_thumbnail => fixes smart load img conflicts with plugins, we now only filter our own filter and not WP one.
- imp : header.php is now calling a sub-template, parts/header-main.php
- imp : top nav is rendered with a sub-template, parts/header-nav-topbar.php
= 3.2.0 September 2nd 2016 =
- added : new option to enable a smoother scrolling. In Global Settings > Smooth Scroll
- added : new option to automatically add an icon next to external links inside the post content. In Global Settings > General Design Options
- added : new option to improve the page load performances : smart image load. In Global Settings > Performances and SEO
- improved : (php) better format for the 'title' tag with wp_title filter
- added : (php) plugin compatibility for image smartload for buddypress, jetpack and ultimate resp. image slider
- improved : (js) better front end framework
- fixed : Enqueue Font Awesome instead of using hard coded @font-face rule in the stylesheet (issue #273)
- updated : Font Awesome icons to version 4.6.3. SnapChat added to the socials.
= 3.1.7 August 23rd 2016 =
- fixed : rss-feed option breaking plugins compatibility. ( fixes github issue #256 )
= 3.1.6 May 31th 2016 =
- fixed : publication date not showing up on single post
- fixed : Parse error in the customizer when PHP version < 5.3
- removed : completed translations on : French and Italian
= 3.1.5 May 30th 2016 =
- updated : screenshot to 1200x900
= 3.1.4 May 30th 2016 =
- fixed : Use get_option date_format for all dates
- added : background image option
- added : social links partial refresh in the customizer
= 3.1.3 May 4th 2016 =
- fixed : the author link in posts
- fixed : duplicated id html attributes for social links and tabs widget
= 3.1.2 May 3rd 2016 =
- fixed : Language Label in Translation Files
- fixed : the author name links to the post itself
- fixed : Featured post slider controls (arrows) overflow content container when blog heading is disabled
- fixed : Header image alt attribute is empty.
- fixed : Change Default Widget Names and CSS id properties. Could be in collision with some plugins
- added : Featured posts : new option to display the full content (instead of the excerpt) of the featured posts. Modified template : content-featured.php.
- added : Featured posts : swipe gesture supported on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones
- added : Customizer : Pre setup step when adding a new widget zone or social icons.
- improved : Customizer user interface have been improved for the social links and the widget zones. It's now easier to drag, edit and remove items.
- improved : Introduced a pluggable function ( hu_print_placeholder_thumb() )to print the placeholder thumbnail. Modified templates : content-featured.php, content.php, parts/related-posts.php
- updated : jQuery FlexSider to v2.6.0 (latest). Support swipe touch navigation
- changed : Header widget and full width footer widget are now enabled by default
- changed : The footer-ads option has been moved in the Footer Design section. The title and description of this setting have been clarified.
= 3.1.1 April 18th 2016 =
- fixed : the option "featured-posts-include" depending on "featured-posts-enabled" was still altering the query even if "featured-posts-enabled" was unchecked in the customizer
- fixed : Allow child themes to load translation files : By changing the call of the path on load_theme_textdomain from get_template_directory to get_stylesheet_directory we allow the translation of the theme through child themes. Without this, a child theme won’t load their own language files even by hooking a function on after_setup_theme action callng load_theme_textdomain and/or load_child_theme_textdomain.
- added : New option in customizer > Global Settings > Performances and SEO > Use Structured Data Markup. Implements Google Micro-formats compatibility for author, dates, title, entry content.
- added : new option in the customizer to control the visibility of the help button and the "About Hueman" admin page
- updated : single.php for a better compatibility with wp_pagenavi for multi-part posts
- fixed : better titles for the sidebar metaboxes for the single post and page
- fixed : primary and secondary widget zone descriptions
- updated : German translation de_DE
- updated : Italian translation it_IT
- updated : Russian translation ru_RU
- updated : French translation fr_FR
- added : Turkish translation tr_TR
- added : Persian translation fa_IR
= 3.1.0 April 16th 2016 =
- fixed : wrong path to the default font Titillium in main stylesheet
- fixed : child theme stylesheet : style.css is loaded again as a dependency of the parent Hueman theme style, to make it easier to override the main stylesheet rules
- fixed : php notice undefined var _faq_url in /wp-content/themes/hueman/functions/class-admin-page.php
= 3.0.12 April 15th 2016 =
- fixed : social icon default color is back to rgba(255,255,255,0.7)
- fixed : added back the feedburner rss feed option in customizer > Global Settings > Site Identity
- fixed : added back the color-footer option in customizer > Global Settings > General Design Options
- added : performance option to load the not minified front-end stylesheet
- improved : performance, don't load js/css files that are not needed in a given context, like flexslider and jqueryplayer
- improved : moved style.css rules in assets/front/css/dev-common.css
- improved : performance, group front-end stylesheets style.css, responsive.css and font-awesome.css in one single file to reduce the number of http requests
- improved : some customizer color settings are now changing without refreshing the page
- updated : Font Awesome updated to the latest version 4.6.1
= 3.0.11 April 14th 2016 =
- added translated strings for the customizer
- added rss social icons, made it the default one
- fixed hover color for social links not working
- fixed in customizer, the featured-category visibility when feature posts uncheck
- improved : safely allow html for the blog heading, subheading and footer copyright
- changed : customizer style back to wp default for some elements
= 3.0.10 April 13th 2016 =
- Moved options from the previous admin option ( Appearance > Theme Options ) to the customizer panel. Users settings from a previous version are being preserved an re-used in the customizer.
- New settings organization. In the customizer, the settings have been reorganized in 5 panels : Global settings, Header, Content, Footer, Dynamic Sidebars and Widgets.
- Added a new way to create dynamic content with widgets for a given context (home, page, archive ...) and in a specific location of the page ( right sidebar, footer left, ...)
- Added backward compatibility for the renamed functions used in the templates, like alx_social_links() now is hu_social_links()
- Fixed backward compatibility issue with already declared old functions in child theme
- Added back the featured-category option
- Fixed undefined function ot_register_meta_box()
- Fixed blog page sidebars not showing up
- Fixed alx_layout_class() function undefined in child themes
= 1.5.7 November 24 2015 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.5.5
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.5.0
- Updated to TGM Plugin Activation 2.5.2
= April 23 2015 - 1.5.6 =
- Updated to TGM Plugin Activation 2.4.1
= April 22 2015 - 1.5.5 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.5.4
- XSS security fixes
- Added additional Google fonts
= February 26 2015 - 1.5.4 =
- CSS cleanup
= February 24 2015 - 1.5.3 =
- Removed post format meta boxes markup as required
= February 24 2015 - 1.5.2 =
- Removed post format meta boxes as required
= February 15 2015 - 1.5.1 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.5.1
- Added Responsive Lightbox as recommended plugin
- Added missing wp_reset_postdata to recent and featured posts - @Marco Almeida
= February 6 2015 - 1.5.0 =
- Added missing wp_reset_postdata to tabs and posts widgets - @Marco Almeida
- Optimized search results - @Marco Almeida
- Updated language files
= February 6 2015 - 1.4.9 =
- Fixed dropdown menus for iPhone
- Fixed toggle sidebars for iPhone and iPad
- Fixed typos in functions.php - @jaylinski (via GitHub)
- Updated to jPlayer 2.9.2
= January 29 2015 - 1.4.8 =
- Fixed double title tag
= January 22 2014 - 1.4.7 =
- Added text domain to stylesheet
= January 19 2014 - 1.4.6 =
- Added WP 4.1 title tag support
- Added standard blog list option
- Added header and footer widget ads areas
- Moved disable sidebar top option to sidebars section
- Updated to OptionTree 2.4.6
= October 10 2014 - 1.4.5 =
- Disabled all post formats with additional meta fields, as required
- Updated documentation
- Added option to turn off sidebar top boxes
- Fixed gallery format post slider, downgraded to flexslider 2.1 instead of 2.2
- Re-fixed responsive Jetpack embeds
= September 18 2014 - 1.4.4 =
- Added option to turn recommended plugins off
- Fixed protocol-relative URLs for Google Fonts @chkorn (via GitHub)
- Fixed Twitter embeds - @ShinichiNishikawa (via GitHub)
- Fixed capability with WP-UserAgent - @JayXon (via GitHub)
= September 3 2014 - 1.4.3 =
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.2.0
- Minor css fixes
= August 20 2014 - 1.4.2 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.4.2
- Removed bundled light plugin from package
= May 17 2014 - 1.4.1 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.4.0
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.1.0
- Improved hu_wp_title function - @Gummibeer (via GitHub)
= April 16 2014 - 1.4.0 =
- Fixed IE8 blank page issue, downgraded to stable selectivizr.js 1.0.2 instead of 1.0.3b
= Mars 31 2014 - 1.3.9 =
- WP-PageNavi optimizations - @devinsays (via GitHub)
- Fixed admin comment accent color styling option
- Restructured comment/pingback counts for no plural translation
- Optimzed and removed unnecessary css
= Mars 24 2014 - 1.3.8 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.3.4
= February 10 2014 - 1.3.7 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.3.0
- Changed checkbox options to the new on-off toggle
- Added additional Google fonts
- Added styling option to recolor the header menu area
- Added option to disable featured image placeholders - @fran-kee (via GitHub)
- Updated help dropdown information and included theme documentation with the theme
= January 29 2014 - 1.3.6 =
- Fixed comment counts to be hidden when disabled
- Removed inline css from comments template
= January 29 2014 - 1.3.5 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.2.2
= January 23 2014 - 1.3.4 =
- Updated to OptionTree 2.2.1
= December 27 2013 - 1.3.3 =
- Removed incorrect fix for bbpress page titles/images
= December 27 2013 - 1.3.2 =
- Added missing "says:" language string for tabs widget
- Added direct links and search IDs to CC0 images used in screenshot.png to readme.txt
= December 24 2013 - 1.3.1 =
- Added new content-featured.php
= December 22 2013 - 1.3.0 =
- Updated screenshot.png to larger size for WP 3.8 - all images are now CC0 (GPL-compatible)
- Added nofollow to footer credit links
- Fixed footer widget boxes to only show in admin if enabled
- Optimized font css
= December 19 2013 - 1.2.9 =
- Updated to the new fluid-layout and fixed-layout WordPress css tags
= December 18 2013 - 1.2.8 =
- Moved load_theme_textdomain from hu_setup to hu_load function
- Added nofollow to social links
- Fixed blockquote icon position
- Fixed standard gallery captions being slightly visible even if not hovered over
- Fixed text caption boxes top padding
- Added icon for Twitter embeds
- WordPress 3.8 fixes:
- Fixed topbar spacing with admin bar enabled from 28px to 32px
- Improved admin styling for all custom widgets
- Fixed OptionTree admin panel styling issues
= December 9 2013 - 1.2.7 =
- Added better compatibility for plugins modifying site title
- Fixed minor css bugs
= December 9 2013 - 1.2.6 =
- Updated screenshot.png, added links to all images used to readme.txt
= December 8 2013 - 1.2.5 =
- Removed unused css
- Fixed typo on 404 pages
- Changed footer credit text
- Updated language files
= December 7 2013 - 1.2.4 =
- Simplified some admin panel descriptions
= December 7 2013 - 1.2.3 =
- Optimized and rewrote layout class and sidebar code
- Updated language files
= December 7 2013 - 1.2.2 =
- Removed social icon title from being added as class in markup
- Added forced lowercase letters on custom sidebar IDs
= December 7 2013 - 1.2.1 =
- Markup polish
= December 6 2013 - 1.2.0 =
- Made all additional function files pluggable for child themes
- Moved layout class to body_class
- Moved main and main-inner divs from templates to header and footer
- Added auto disable for custom wp_title if SEO by Yoast plugin is installed
- Added basic WooCommerce support
- Added option to disable category and/or date for AlxTabs and AlxPosts widgets
- Updated language files
= December 4 2013 - 1.1.9 =
- Fixed bug with hidden sidebar-2 when specific page or post layout is set to 2 sidebars, when global is 1 or 0
= December 4 2013 - 1.1.8 =
- Added sample child theme download to help dropdown
- ( release) Removed custom.css file, as required
- ( release) Removed non-standard header image option, as required
- ( release) Removed non-standard background image option, as required
= December 3 2013 - 1.1.6 & 1.1.7 =
- Moved add_action and add_filter outside of function_exists
- Added function_exists to functions registering custom widgets
= December 2 2013 - 1.1.5 =
- Added empty title/id/icon checks for social links and widget areas
- Added star indication for admin comments
= November 30 2013 - 1.1.4 =
- Improved child theme support
- Updated help dropdown
- Added option for boxed layout for better background image support
- Added font selection option (also latin-ext, cyrillic)
- Rebuilt dynamic styling options:
- Fixed for theme updates
- Fixed for network and subdirectory installations
- Fixed so that no file permission/chmod is required
- Fixed css for each styling option to only be added if set
- Added option to disable styling options css
- Removed dynamic.css
= November 22 2013 - 1.1.3 =
- Improved IE8 support
- Added option for header image
- Fixed nav dropdowns expanding behind second nav row when too many menu links are used
- Removed custom css field in styling options, replaced with custom.css file option
- Fixed thumbnail comment count position with Disqus plugin enabled
- Fixed related posts heading appearing even if there are no related posts
- Changed page background area to full body background in styling options
- Changed theme license to GPLv3
= November 18 2013 - 1.1.2 =
- Fixed broken comments pagination when there are pingbacks as well
- Polished and made post author comment icons slightly smaller
= November 18 2013 - 1.1.1 =
- Fixed tabs widget tab-button css for better mobile browser compatibility
- Fixed lists spacing
= November 15 2013 - 1.1.0 =
- Added styling option to change sidebar padding / width
= November 15 2013 - 1.0.9 =
- Added option to hide one or both sidebars for low-res mobile
- Moved to a single css grid percent-width system
- Centered footer bottom content on mobile
- Fixed sidebar padding for low-res mobile
= November 12 2013 - 1.0.8 =
- Fixed and polished styling for widgets
- Fixed primary color styling missing for slider controls
= November 11 2013 - 1.0.7 =
- Added sidebar layout option for category archives
- Added fade-in and auto focus of header search field
= November 9 2013 - 1.0.6 =
- Fixed double sidebar left layout, for expanded sidebar secondary
- Fixed hidden dropdowns behind toggle-expanded sidebars
= November 9 2013 - 1.0.5 =
- Added additional license information
- Moved no-js/js class javascript to functions.php
= November 8 2013 - 1.0.4 =
- Restructured functions.php according to wordpress best practices
- Loading IE-specific js via functions.php instead of template
- Moved & added new browser body classes to functions.php
- Fixed responsive embeds with Jetpack
- Fixed featured slider flickering issue on iPad
= November 7 2013 - 1.0.3 =
- Updated to Flexslider 2.2.0
- Updated to Sharrre 1.3.5
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.0.3
- Removed reply button for pingbacks & trackbacks
- Fixed double site title in RSS feed
= November 2 2013 - 1.0.2 =
- Fixed margin issue with topbar menu disabled
- Fixed responsive columns
= November 1 2013 - 1.0.1 =
- Theme screenshot updated
- Detailed theme description added
- New default color combination
= October 31 2013 - 1.0.0 =
- Theme released