Here I apply Neural Kernels, a new approach to train neural networks.
The repository is inspired by the following papers:
- Wide Neural Networks of Any Depth Evolve as Linear Models Under Gradient Descent
- Neural Kernels without Tangents
src/pytorch_impl/nns - neural networks in pytorch
src/pytorch_impl/estimators - estimators that can be trained:
- estimator that trains a normal neural network via SGDLinearizedSgdEstimator
- estimator that trains a linearized neural network via SGDMatrixExpEstimator
- estimator that trains a linearized neural network via closed form solution, which turns out to be matrix exponentital
src/pytorch_impl/classifier_training - training procedure that trains an estimator and saves metrics on its way
notebooks - jupyter notebooks
papers - PDFs of papers I might refer in future
notebooks/legacy/Wide_NNs_pytorch - my implementation of the training method from the paper.
notebooks/leagcy/Resnet18 - my attempt, yet unsuccessful, to achieve 94% accuracy on Cifar-10 via ResNet18.