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POC Catalog and Hiearchy for Neo4j


  1. Build it:

     mvn clean package
  2. Copy target/catalog-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to the plugins/ directory of your Neo4j server.

  3. Configure Neo4j by adding a line to conf/neo4j.conf:

  4. Start Neo4j server.

  5. Create some sample data (optional)

     CREATE (root:Item {id:'0', name:'Street Samurai Catalog'})
     CREATE (child1:Item {id:'1', name:'Rifles'})
     CREATE (child11:Item {id:'11', name:'Sniper'})
     CREATE (child12:Item {id:'12', name:'Machine Gun'})
     CREATE (child2:Item {id:'2', name:'Pistols'})
     CREATE (child21:Item {id:'21', name:'Heavy'})
     CREATE (child211:Item {id:'211', name:'Ares Predator'})
     CREATE (child3:Item {id:'3', name:'Shotguns'})
     CREATE (promotion211:Promotion {id:'p211', name:'Includes Ares Smartgun Link'})
     CREATE (promotion2:Promotion {id:'p2', name:'Free Two-Day Shipping'})
     MERGE (root)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child1)
     MERGE (child1)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child11)
     MERGE (child1)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child12)
     MERGE (root)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child2)
     MERGE (child2)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child21)
     MERGE (child21)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child211)
     MERGE (root)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(child3)
     MERGE (child211)-[:HAS_PROMOTION]->(promotion211)
     MERGE (child2)-[:HAS_PROMOTION]->(promotion2)
  6. Check that it is installed correctly over HTTP:

     :GET /v1/service/helloworld
  7. Warm up the database:

     :GET /v1/service/warmup
  8. Get the hiearchy (run at least twice to see actual speed):

     :GET /v1/service/catalog/0
     :GET /v1/service/catalog/0?depth=1
     :GET /v1/service/catalog/0?depth=2
  9. Get the promotions:

     :GET /v1/service/promotions/211

Cypher queries:

    MATCH (parent:Item)-[:HAS_CHILD]->(item)
    RETURN parent, COLLECT(item) AS children
    MATCH (start:Item {id:'211'}) <-[:HAS_CHILD*0..999]-(item)-[:HAS_PROMOTION]->(p)
    RETURN {promotions: COLLECT(p)} AS promotions
    MATCH (start:Item {id:'211'}) <-[:HAS_CHILD*0..999]-(item)
    WITH COLLECT (item) AS items
    UNWIND items AS item 
    MATCH (item)-[:HAS_PROMOTION]->(p)
    RETURN {promotions: COLLECT(p)} AS promotions


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