Crystal is a natural language question answering program. It converts natural text into a semantic representation based on Discourse Representation Theory and performs inferences on the result. Its features include anaphora and presupposition resolution, semantic reasoning through the use of WordNet and VerbNet databases and logical inference. The application currently covers only a small subset of English, but it is sufficiently interesting to mess around.
Crystal is not a chatbot - it will accept only 100% grammatical sentences and will reject anything that can not be completely understood or conflicts with information provided previously.
For examples sessions, see
For documentation, see the downloads section.
Checkout the Crystal code or unpack a source package.
Install Python 2.7.
Install NLTK (from a repository or from
Install the following NLTK corpora:
- wordnet
- verbnet
- names
- cmudict
You can do this by running "import nltk;" in a Python REPL. This will display a GUI to select the corpora to download. Take note of the folder where the corpora are downloaded.
If the VerbNet corpus in the NLTK repository is still version 2.1 (as it is at the time of writing), you will need to manually update it to version 3.1. Download it from, unpack and place in the corpora folder specified in step 4.
Either unpack the optimized grammar by running
tar -xf grammar.tar.gz
in the src folder or run./ --grammar
to rebuild an unoptimized grammar from scratch. -
. -
Take a good long walk while the grammar is being loaded.
Note that compiled binaries for Mace4 and Prover9 for Windows and 32-bit Unix
are already included. If you want to build your own copies, download the LADR
source from, apply
to ladr/cnf.c
and run make all
in the LADR root.
The repository includes a hand-optimized grammar file in grammar.tar.gz
. This
file is based on the result of the grammar building pipeline in the build
folder. Some optimizations were added manually but the details of what happened
that night have been lost.
To rebuild the default unoptimized grammar, run ./ --grammar
. Be
careful, however, as that this will overwrite the current optimized grammar.
The workflow is pretty simple. The user can tell Crystal facts in the form of declarative sentences, including conditionals and compound statements, and it will incrementally build up a context and check every new statement against it, resolving anaphora (pronouns) and presuppositions (definite NPs). At any point in the interaction, the user can ask Crystal subject or object questions which will be answered (if possible) based on the context.
The program is written in Python 2 and uses the NLTK chart parser with a VerbNet-based unification grammar for parsing, DRT techniques for converting parse trees into semantic representations, a vocabulary derived from WordNet and VerbNet semantic limitations for word senses, and finally an inference system powered by the Prover9/Mace4 theorem prover and model builder.
Crystal was written by someone who had never touched NLP before in about 2 months of part-time work, so the code is riddled with algorithms, techniques and design decisions that will cause many a facepalm to most linguists, NLP practitioners and even software engineers, for which I apologize in advance.
I do not plan to continue the development of the project, but I have received several requests to put the code on GitHub, so I figured it can't hurt.
The performance of the program is pretty abysmal, taking about a second or two per sentence for simple sentences on a midrange PC, 5-10 seconds for complex or highly ambiguous sentences and up to several minutes in degenerate cases. The bottlenecks are mostly fixable, but since the system was never meant to be more than a proof of concept, I do not plan to ever fix them properly. Memory usage is similarly ugly, at about 800MB on 32-bit systems when the full WordNet vocabulary is loaded.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL.