Jump to next/previous LSP reference in the current buffer for the item under the cursor with ]r
If you have demicolon.nvim installed you can also repeat jumps with ;
. See the Demicolon section for more information.
With lazy.nvim:
event = 'LspAttach', -- Uncomment to lazy load
opts = {}
- Press
to jump to the next/previous reference for the item under the cursor. - Press
to keep jumping forward/backward between those references (requires demicolon.nvim)
You can also prefix any jump with a count. For example, you can do 3]r
to jump to the third next reference. This also works for ;
The following is the default configuration:
opts = {
keymaps = {
enable = true,
next = ']r', -- Keymap to jump to next LSP reference
prev = '[r', -- Keymap to jump to previous LSP reference
highlights = {
enable = true, -- Highlight the LSP references on jump
auto_clear = true, -- Automatically clear highlights when cursor moves
integrations = {
demicolon = {
enable = true, -- Make `]r`/`[r` repeatable with `;`/`,` using demicolon.nvim
verbose = true, -- Print message if no reference is found
Refjump highlights the references by default. It uses the highlight group RefjumpReferences
. To change the highlight, see :help nvim_set_hl()
This plugin integrates with demicolon.nvim. Demicolon lets you repeat ]r
jumps with ;
(you can also still repeat t
like you would expect). Refjump will cache the list of LSP references which gives you super responsive jump repetitions.
This integration is automatically set up if demicolon.nvim is detected and the option integrations.demicolon.enable
is true