TransistorTester on Arduino with Serial-Interface
The project based on the project "Tester V1.13: The Arduino UNO Transistor Tester“ from Pouc68000 : I compiled the source under IDE 1.8.4 and 1.8.13 and load the program to an Arduino-NANO (clone) with old bootloader. As display I used a LCD1602 (HD44780)
It works perfect and the Pin-assignment is great. On my Transistor-Curve-Tracer I have to find the assignement of the pins per hand and it’s sometime a problem and it needs time for changing pins, start again .... Therefore I thought it would be a great help to copy the information from the Transistor-Tester to the Curve- Tracer and start the tracer automatically. I need only a few data:
- Device Type: “1“ = DIODE, “2“=TRANSISTOR(bipolar), “3“=MOSFET, “4“=JFET, “5“=IGBT
- Polarity: “N“ or “P“
- Mode: „“E“ or „“D“ or blank: E=enhanced, D=depletion (only for MOSFET and JFET , JFET generally “D 4: Pin1 -Assignment (BCDEGAK (and blank for DIODE (2-pole)) 5: Pin2 -Assignment (BCDEGAK (and blank for DIODE (2-pole)) 6: Pin3 -Assignment (BCDEGAK (and blank for DIODE (2-pole))
I send this few data per Serial (SoftSerial with 9600 baud) Interface to the Curve-Tracer. On the end of the data I send CR (13) with Serial.println.