The easiest way to test the BoxTech API is to do it manually, using a REST Client such as Postman (see which can be run in your browser or on your desktop.
Point your web browser at and signup for a new user account. Signup "for Data Access only". Accept Terms and Conditions. Confirm your account activation by clicking the link received by email. You now have a <username> and <password> you can use in the API.
Download Postman to your desktop or run it in your brwoser. Create a (free account) to save your tests for future reference.
Now you are in, create a 'New Tab' at the top of the screen
Configure the BoxTech API Authentification call :
- select the POST operation
- use the URL
- add 2 headers in the Headers section :
- key = Content-Type, value = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- key = Authorization, value = Basic YmljYXBwOmJpY3NlY3JldGFwcA==
Note : the value of the Authorization key is called the <clientid>
Move to the Body section :
- select the x-www-url-encoded type of body
- add 3 values in the body :
- key = grant_type, value = password
- key = username, value = <your_username>
- key = paswsword, value = <your_password>
- save your work by clicking Save on the right, and store it in a collection you will call BIC BoxTech
Click Send : you should get a response which looks like this :
Grab the "accessToken" value, in our case : 784b64f338a812343915c6f4734d2f71fe14a68d
In Postman, create a new tab at the top of the screen.
Configure the BoxTech API Tare_kg call :
- select the GET operation
- use the URL : this will query for the GLDU5334260 container. Note the format of the container number which includes the check digit
- add 1 header in the Headers section :
- key = Authorization, value = Bearer 784b64f338a812343915c6f4734d2f71fe14a68d (or in your case, Bearer followed by the <accessToken> you saved previously, separated by a blank space)
Click Send : you should get a response like this :
The tare weight of the container is 2232 kg.
You can practise on your own creating a new test in a new tab to call the tare_lbs service, with the same parameters, to query for the tare weight in lbs.
To run the same tests in the BIC BoxTech Production database :
- signup for a "Data access only" user in production. Accept Terms and Conditions. Confirm your account activation by clicking the link received by email. You now have a production <username> and <password> you can use in the API in production
- use the URL for authentication in production
- use the URL for the Tare (kg) service in production
- use the URL for the Tare (lbs) service in production