The BIC BoxTech Containers Database (see the website) has a reference API which is described below. Other API entry points may be implemented on request.
This repository contains samples for calling the BoxTech REST API. These API samples are open source. Other samples may be contributed by you or others to the GitHub repository : please fork and suggest your pull requests.
The BoxTech API is a simple REST API.
you can find its specification over here.
To use the BoxTech API, you will need the following :
You will be given these once you have signed up on the BoxTech app : see BIC BoxTech website Remember that, from time to time, you may need to approve new Terms and Conditions : to do this, simply log in manually into the app : see the FAQ
You will use the following value for clientid in your tests and in your app :
- for production and sandbox, clientid is YmljYXBwOmJpY3NlY3JldGFwcA==
The endpoint for the BoxTech REST API is :
- for Production :
- for Sandbox :
For Sandbox, you may test you tare request with the following container number : GLDU5334260 Generally speaking, the container number format is AAAU9999999 :
- BIC Code of 4 characters
- Container number with 6 digits plus 1 check digit.
A simple flow would be the following :
- call the authentication service with username/password; this returns a token used in all other API calls
- call the tare_kg entry point, passing the authentication token and the container number; this returns the tare in kgs
The following chapters describe how to use the API :
TARE_KG, TARE_LBS : how to call these entry points
ERRORS : details about error codes and messages
We have added a step-by-step description of manual tests we suggest you run with Postman, a REST Client application :
- sign up for a sandbox user for data access only
- authenticate with this user to get a token
- call the tare_kg service with this token to look up the tare weight of a container
- repeat the operation in production
More details in this guide
We invite you to add your comments about the Tare Weight API service here as comments on this GitHub issue : bic-org#1
If you have other problems or questions, we invite you to enter them here as a new issue :
** Please do not look for support by email - response time on GitHub will be much faster **