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Example Python script to readout Smart Meter


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This is an example project offering a Python script which can be used to readout the Smart Meter KAIFA MA309M.
The script is ready to be used for reading the current Smart Meter KAIFA MA309M(H) or Honeywell HS3300S from vorarlberg netz (VKW).
You just need to insert your decryption key - received by vorarlberg netz ( - in the configuration section (see line 36) and process the data according to your needs. Here it is printed to console (line 208).

For other grid operators some adaptations probably need to be made - e.g. with regard to the frame length (see line 31) as the length depends on the provided meter information.


Dies ist ein Beispielprojekt, in welchem ich ein Python-Skript zur Verfügung stelle, mit dem der Smart Meter KAIFA MA309M ausgelesen werden kann.
Das Skript ist einsatzbereit und kann zum Auslesen der aktuellen Smart Meter KAIFA MA309M(H) oder Honeywell HS3300S von vorarlberg netz (VKW) verwendet werden.
Sie müssen lediglich den Schlüssel für die Kundenschnittstelle, welchen Sie von vorarlberg netz ( erhalten haben, im Konfigurationsabschnitt (siehe Zeile 36) hinterlegen und die Daten entsprechend Ihren Anforderungen verarbeiten. In diesem Beispielskript werden sie einfach auf der Konsole ausgegeben (Zeile 208).

Für andere Netzbetreiber müssen möglicherweise Anpassungen vorgenommen werden, z. B. in Bezug auf die Frame-Länge (siehe Zeile 31), da die Länge von den vom Zähler bereitgestellten Informationen abhängt.

Successfully tested with

Hardware requirements

Pin assignment

┌───┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬─┬───┐         Pin #    Assignment
│   │1│2│3│4│5│6│   │        ------- ---------------
│   │ │ │ │ │ │ │   │             1   not in use
│   └─┴─┴─┴─┴─┴─┘   │             2   not in use
│                   │             3   MBUS1 (+)
│     RJ12 Jack     │             4   MBUS2 (-)
│                   │             5   not in use
└─────┬───────┬─────┘             6   not in use

            │______│               │
NC        6 │______│               │                         ┌───────────────────────────────────┐
NC        5 │______│               │                         │ ┌───┐                             ├───────┐
MBUS2 (-) 4 │______┼───────────────┼───────── - - - ─────────┼─┼─□ │                             │       │
MBUS1 (+) 3 │______┼───────────────┼───────── - - - ─────────┼─┼─□ │                             │       │
NC        2 │______│               │                         │ └───┘                             ├───────┘
NC        1 │______│               │                         └───────────────────────────────────┘
            │      │               │



Install the required packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Run in foreground (for testing)


Run as a service (Linux)

sudo ln -s /path/to/readout-smart-meter.service /etc/systemd/system/readout-smart-meter.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start readout-smart-meter.service

Example print output

Timestamp:         2023-08-31 12:00:25
VoltageL1:         234.5 V
VoltageL2:         234.7 V
VoltageL3:         235.3 V
CurrentL1:         13.17 A
CurrentL2:         11.08 A
CurrentL3:         13.25 A
RealPower:         -8615 W
RealPowerIn:       0 W
RealPowerOut:      8615 W
RealEnergyIn:      166.429 kWh
RealEnergyOut:     1176.026 kWh
ReactiveEnergyIn:  8.284 kvar
ReactiveEnergyOut: 808.028 kvar

Example message from Smart Meter



Decrypted XML:

View XML
  <LongInvokeIdAndPriority Value="00001C4E" />
  <!--08/21/23 23:23:00-->
  <DateTime Value="07E708150117170000FF8880" />
      <Structure Qty="10" >
        <OctetString Value="0000010000FF" />
        <!--08/21/23 23:23:00-->
        <OctetString Value="07E708150117170000FF8880" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <OctetString Value="0000600100FF" />
          <OctetString Value="314B464D30323030303134313936" />
        <Structure Qty="02" >
          <OctetString Value="00002A0000FF" />
          <OctetString Value="4B464D31323030323030303134313936" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100200700FF" />
          <UInt16 Value="0919" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="FF" />
            <Enum Value="23" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100340700FF" />
          <UInt16 Value="090F" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="FF" />
            <Enum Value="23" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100480700FF" />
          <UInt16 Value="0910" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="FF" />
            <Enum Value="23" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="01001F0700FF" />
          <UInt16 Value="00B0" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="FE" />
            <Enum Value="21" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100330700FF" />
          <UInt16 Value="00D3" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="FE" />
            <Enum Value="21" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100470700FF" />
          <UInt16 Value="00AD" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="FE" />
            <Enum Value="21" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100010700FF" />
          <UInt32 Value="00000029" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="00" />
            <Enum Value="1B" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100020700FF" />
          <UInt32 Value="00000000" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="00" />
            <Enum Value="1B" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100010800FF" />
          <UInt32 Value="00012D4A" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="00" />
            <Enum Value="1E" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100020800FF" />
          <UInt32 Value="000D3EB9" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="00" />
            <Enum Value="1E" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100030800FF" />
          <UInt32 Value="0000000A" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="00" />
            <Enum Value="20" />
        <Structure Qty="03" >
          <OctetString Value="0100040800FF" />
          <UInt32 Value="00087F7B" />
          <Structure Qty="02" >
            <Int8 Value="00" />
            <Enum Value="20" />

Datetime Explanation

07 E7            <-- Full year, 0x07E7 = 2023
06               <-- Month, June
12               <-- Day of month, 0x12 = 18
02               <-- Day of week, Tuesday
14               <-- Hour of day, 0x14 = 20
2F               <-- Minute of hour, 0x2F = 47
32               <-- Second of minute, 0x32 = 50
FF               <-- Hundredths of second, 0xFF = not specified
80 00            <-- Deviation (offset from UTC), 0x8000 = not specified
80               <-- Clock status, 0x80 = 0b10000000, MSB 1 = summer time

Message / Protocol explanations

With regard to the structure of the M-Bus frames, there is helpful information here:

Also useful:

More links / information

Smart-Meter Adapter for Austria

"Österreichs E-Wirtschaft", the association of Austrian network operators, commissioned the company Ginzinger electronic systems GmbH to develop an adapter that should work with all smart meter models available on the market and make the data easily available in the home network.
However, it is not clear when this will be available.


Thanks to @greenMikeEU, @micronano0 and @tirolerstefan and all the others for their preceding work.

Some similar projects


This project is licensed under GNU GPLv3+.


Example Python script to readout Smart Meter







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