This project was made for the exam of Software Systems Engineering at University of Bologna. It involves the development of a distributed application for the management of a fictitious storage service by following the Agile metodology and SOLID principles.
The task of this project can be found here.
The development of the system has been devided in 4 sprints (plus an intruductive one).
Requirements analysis ,subdivision of the project in different components, a first model for the system and work plan. Sprint 0 can be found here.
Development of the core business of the system.
Sprint 1 can be found here.
Development of a distributed application in a raspberry PI for the alarm requirements of the task.
Sprint 2 can be found here.
Development of a simple web application for accessing the system.
Sprint 3 can be found here.
Finalizing the project with the development of a simple web application for the system manager.
Sprint 4 can be found here.