attacks and defenses on deep federated learning using and UAP and GANs.
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To create, train, and test a basic CNN baseline perform the following:
basic_baseline = BasicBaseline() # initialize a basic CNN
basic_baseline.load_data() # load the FashionMNIST data
basic_baseline.configure_attack(attack) # configure attack
basic_baseline.train(num_epochs, lr) # train the model for num_epochs epochs and at learning rate lr
basic_baseline.test() # test the accuracy of the model
To create, train, and test a federated CNN baseline perform the following:
federated_baseline = FederatedBaseline(num_clients) # initialize a FL framework with num_clients clients training CNNs
federated_baseline.load_data() # load the FashionMNIST data
federated_baseline.configure_attack(attack, num_malicious) # configure num_malicious attackers using attack
federated_baseline.configure_defense(defense) # configure a defense model
federated_baseline.train(num_epochs, rounds, lr) # train the global model for num_epochs epochs, rounds rounds over the clients, and at learning rate lr
federated_baseline.test() # test the accuracy of the global model
viewable in utils/
for no attack:
attack = NoAttack()
for random attack:
attack = RandomAttack(num_classes) # where num_classes is the total number of classes in the data
for targeted attack:
attack = TargetedAttack(target_label, class_label) # set training labels of target_label to class_label
for UAP attack:
attack = UAPAttack(target_label)
for GAN attack:
attack = GANAttack(client_model)
note that the GAN attack differs from the others as this does not affect the global model but instead aims to reconstruct user data. Thus its usage varies from the aforementioned attacks.
viewable in utils/
for no defenese:
defense = NoDefense()
for flipped labels defense:
defense = FlippedLabelsDefense(num_classes) # where num_classes denotes source class comparisons
To run the basic baseline:
python3 basic
To run the federated baseline:
python3 federated
- finish GAN attack implementation
- create a
file to be able to run everything from the command line with flag arguments - reconfigure to work smoothly both on cpu and cuda
client data reconstruction:
UAP attack:
label flipping defense: (code at