I'm a system architect and work as a programmer also. I'd like to publish my shell setting on github for effective coding.
Please subscribe RSS of my blog to keep track of open source development. https://matsu.teraren.com/blog/
- Required for OS
brew install git fzf fish rbenv ruby-build keychain ghq eza fd ripgrep git-delta vhs
sudo apt install -y git fzf rbenv ruby-build keychain exa fd-find ripgrep
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:fish-shell/release-3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fish -y
sudo apt install golang -y
go install github.com/motemen/ghq
go install github.com/koki-develop/gat@latest
set -U fish_user_paths ~/go/bin $fish_user_paths
sudo pip3 install powerline-status
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline -y
Get this repository and make symbolic links. This instruction is written for fish.
ghq get git@github.com:matsubo/matsu-shell-setting.git
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.htoprc
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.vim
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.vimrc
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.gvimrc
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.my.cnf
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.lv
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.w3m
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.tmux.conf
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.gitignore
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.gitattributes_global
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.git_commit_template
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.gemrc
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.bundle
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.grcat
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.pryrc
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.tape
ln -s ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/Brewfile
mkdir -p .config/fish; cd .config/fish/; ln -s ~/ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.config/fish/config.fish; cd
cd .config/fish/; ln -s ~/ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.config/fish/fishfile; cd
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Copy template setting and edit for local setting.
cp -n ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.tigrc ./
cp -n ghq/github.com/matsubo/matsu-shell-setting/.gitconfig ./
Setup git property
git config --global user.name "Foo Bar"
git config --global user.email "foo@example.com"
Open tmux and press prefix + I
to install tmux plugins by tmp.
prefix + U
to update tmux plugins.
Createive Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)