The development consists of a robust base of an online sales platform that can be taken as a starting point for its implementation or receive improvements.
These instructions will allow you to get a copy of the project running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
To run the project you will need to have installed
- VS Code + extensiones -> Prettier y ESLint
- Node v12 (or more)
- XAMPP / Laragon
A series of step-by-step examples that tells you what to run to have a development environment running
Always starting from the root of the project
cd app && npm install
and repeat
cd api && npm install
Previously generate a .env file in api folder and then set a COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET
To start both environments, you must run the following commands
cd api && npm start
# or
cd api && yarn start
Check the links offered by the API in the command terminal.
cd app && npm run dev
# or
cd app && yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser.
Migrations - Allow secure updates to the database schema.
yarn migration:generate [name]
# or
npm run migration:generate [name]
run pending migrations that have been generated:
yarn migration:run
# or
npm run migration:run
and roll back the most recently applied migration:
yarn migration:revert
# or
npm run migration:revert
Detail of the project folder structure
├── api
│ └── node_modules
│ └── src
│ └── static
│ └── .gitignore
│ └── migration.js
│ └── package.json
├── app
│ └── .next
│ └── components
│ └── node_modules
│ └── pages
│ └── utils
│ └── .gitignore
│ └── jsconfig.json
│ └── package.json
Cooming soon
Cooming soon
- Vendure - Headless e-commerce framework
- Next JS - React framework
- Material UI - Styles library
- Mati Viscusso - Software Developer - mativiscusso
This project is under the License MIT
⌨️ with 💪 for Mati Viscusso 🐱👤