unify initialization and destruction API
replace dynamic allocations with paged memory arena
fix argv parsing of required vs optional args, e.g. negative numbers as positional args are currently not possible
cleanup and comment DEFLATE decoder, implement simple compression
implement better hash func?
replace hard-coded
hashmap value withvoid*
optimize huffman code tree
handle different PNG color types
verify the IO header handles all errors gracefully
implement more and better math stuff
use iterator API in PNG chunks parsing
output all text as JSON
fix rand lib seeds
replace all c-strings with unicode
ensure unicode decode/encode conforms to standard
separate tests from other headers
refactor entire stufflib into components, compile as static library, link manually
for unicode (wchar_t
?) -
try to replace
casts with_Generic
struct sl_data
from math functions -
store hashes in hash table nodes to avoid recomputing on resize
use power of 2 for underlying array and map hash to index with bitand size, instead of modulo (rely on compiler for this but use pow 2 sizes)
rethink unnecessary buffering when reading files with iterators
simplify line reader iterators
span with item size, length, capacity
- CRC32 as hash function, collisions etc
- sorting, especially edge cases
- utf-8 decoder
- linalg
- everything
unify iterator API for getting values, don't transform, only return a single item/range/chunk
replace str lib with unicode strings
cleanup hashmap of unnecessary code, doesn't need e.g. insert
implement non-allocating args parser
implement log levels and replace
macros as no-ops if level too low