A single header c++ library that provides a constexpr
type safe
replacement of <cctype>
, a set of predicates valid for codepoints
less than 0x80
basic example (godbolt)
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
static_assert( ascii::is_alnum('a') );
static_assert( not ascii::is_digit(U'β΅') );
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('3') == 3 );
static_assert( ascii::to_lower('A') == 'a' );
All the predicates can be called with either
, unsigned char
, or char32_t
What about the others? char8_t
and char16_t
are codeunits,
it doesn't make sense to apply a predicate to them, must
be combined to form a char32_t
Regarding wchar_t
, leave it in the dark ages where belongs.
Since this library is decontaminated from locales or codepages,
the compatibility with <cctype>
is ensured just for pure ASCII characters.
Generally expect a false
result for codepoints >= 0x80
ascii::is_lower() |
aka std::islower() |
ascii::is_upper() |
aka std::isupper() |
ascii::is_space() |
aka std::isspace() |
ascii::is_alpha() |
aka std::isalpha() |
ascii::is_alnum() |
aka std::isalnum() |
ascii::is_digit() |
aka std::isdigit() |
ascii::is_xdigi() |
aka std::isxdigit() |
ascii::is_punct() |
aka std::ispunct() |
ascii::is_cntrl() |
aka std::iscntrl() |
ascii::is_graph() |
aka std::isgraph() |
ascii::is_print() |
aka std::isprint() |
ascii::is_blank() |
aka std::isspace() and !='\n' |
ascii::is_ident() |
aka std::isalnum() or =='_' |
ascii::is_float() |
aka std::digit() or any of "+-.Ee" |
ascii::is_space_or_punct() |
aka std::isspace() or std::ispunct() |
ascii::is_endline() |
aka =='\n' |
is redefined to include all spaces except \n
to ease
the detection of any spaces in the current line.
I find that treating \r
as a generic formatting space is a good
tradeoff to deal with the various end-of-line conventions.
Not strictly related to ASCII, provided for convenience
(see std::predicate
in examples below).
ascii::is_always_false() |
always false |
ascii::is<C>() |
equality to a single codepoint |
ascii::is_any_of<C,...>() |
contained in a set of codepoints |
ascii::is_none_of<C,...>() |
not contained in a set of codepoints |
A non exhaustive collection of examples of how basic and helper predicates can be combined together.
ascii::is_space_or_any_of<C,...>() |
ascii::is_alpha_or_any_of<C,...>() |
ascii::is_alnum_or_any_of<C,...>() |
ascii::is_digit_or_any_of<C,...>() |
ascii::is_punct_and_none_of<C,...>() |
ascii::to_lower(const char c) |
ascii::to_upper(const char c) |
Case conversion is included for completeness but since gives meaningful
results just for codepoints less than 0x80
, it has little practical value.
To avoid abuse is provided just the char
If you need to check and convert codepoints case, use a unicode library.
As convenience for number literal parsing there's a function
that returns the numeric value associated
to the is_xdigi()
The returned type is std::uint8_t
, the easiest to promote
to other integral types.
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('4') == 4 );
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('b') == 0xB );
static_assert( ascii::value_of_digit('z') == 0 );
This library uses concepts, so you need a c++20 compliant compiler
indicating at least -std=c++20
in case of msvc).
Run unit tests directly in godbolt or:
$ git clone https://github.com/matgat/ascii_predicates.git
$ cd ascii_predicates
$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/boost-ext/ut/master/include/boost/ut.hpp
$ g++ -std=c++20 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic -Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -o test test.cpp && ./test
On windows:
$ cl /std:c++latest /permissive- /utf-8 /W4 /WX /EHsc test.cpp
simple (godbolt)
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
void query_char(const char ch)
const bool alnum = ascii::is_alnum(ch);
const bool space = ascii::is_space(ch);
const bool l = ascii::is<'l'>(ch);
const bool l_or_o = ascii::is_any_of<'l','o'>(ch);
const bool some_punct = ascii::is_punct_and_none_of<'#','&'>(ch);
overloads (godbolt)
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals; // "..."sv
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
int main()
for( const char ch : "hello, @@"sv )
std::cout << ascii::is_alnum_or_any_of<' '>(ch) << ch << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
for( const char32_t cp : U"hello, βοΈποΈ"sv )
std::cout << ascii::is_alnum_or_any_of<U' '>(cp) << to_utf8(cp) << ' ';
simple loop (godbolt)
#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals; // "..."sv
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
int main()
const auto csv = U"π, ππ; π... π€£"sv;
std::size_t i = 0;
while( i<csv.size() )
if( ascii::is_punct(csv[i]) ) ++i;
else if( ascii::is_space(csv[i]) ) ++i;
std::cout << ' ' << i << ':' << to_utf8(csv[i]);
std algorithm (godbolt)
#include <iostream>
#include <ranges>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
int main()
std::string_view str = "123 12a 456 d34";
auto tokens = str | std::views::split(' ')
| std::views::transform([](auto range){ return std::string_view(&*range.begin(), std::ranges::distance(range));})
| std::views::filter( [](auto s){ return !s.empty(); });
for(auto token : tokens)
if( std::ranges::all_of(token, [](const char c){ return ascii::is_digit(c); }) )
std::cout << "digits: " << token << '\n';
predicates lexer (godbolt)
#include <iostream>
#include <concepts> // std::predicate
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals; // "..."sv
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
class SimpleLexer
const std::string_view input;
std::size_t i = 0;
constexpr explicit SimpleLexer(const std::string_view buf) noexcept
: input(buf)
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::size_t pos() const noexcept { return i; }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool got_data() const noexcept { return i<input.size(); }
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr bool get_next() noexcept
if( i<input.size() ) [[likely]]
return ++i<input.size();
return false; // 'i' points to one past next
template<std::predicate<const char> CharPredicate =decltype(ascii::is_always_false<char>)>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool got(CharPredicate is) const noexcept { return i<input.size() and is(input[i]); }
template<std::predicate<const char> CharPredicate =decltype(ascii::is_always_false<char>)>
constexpr void skip_while(CharPredicate is) noexcept
{ while( got(is) and get_next() ); }
template<std::predicate<const char> CharPredicate =decltype(ascii::is_always_false<char>)>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::string_view get_while(CharPredicate is) noexcept
const std::size_t i_start = pos();
while( got(is) and get_next() );
return {input.data()+i_start, pos()-i_start};
int main()
SimpleLexer lexer(" len = 23 "sv);
lexer.skip_while( ascii::is_space );
const std::string_view var_nam = lexer.get_while(ascii::is_alnum);
lexer.skip_while( ascii::is_space );
if( lexer.got( ascii::is<'='>) ) lexer.get_next();
lexer.skip_while( ascii::is_space );
const std::string_view var_val = lexer.get_while(ascii::is_digit);
std::cout << var_nam << ' ' << var_val << '\n';
number literals parser (godbolt)
#include <iostream>
#include <format>
#include <string_view>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <concepts>
#include <limits>
#include "ascii_predicates.hpp" // ascii::is_*
class SimpleParser
const std::string_view input;
std::size_t i = 0;
constexpr explicit SimpleParser(const std::string_view buf) noexcept
: input(buf)
[[nodiscard]] constexpr bool got_digit() const noexcept { return i<input.size() and ascii::is_digit(input[i]); }
[[nodiscard]] constexpr char curr_codepoint() const noexcept { return i<input.size() ? input[i] : '\0'; }
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr bool get_next() noexcept
if( i<input.size() ) [[likely]]
return ++i<input.size();
return false;
template<std::unsigned_integral Uint>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr Uint extract_index()
if( not got_digit() )
throw std::runtime_error( std::format("Invalid char '{}' in number literal", curr_codepoint()) );
Uint result = ascii::value_of_digit(curr_codepoint());
constexpr Uint base = 10u;
constexpr Uint overflow_limit = ((std::numeric_limits<Uint>::max() - (base - 1u)) / (base)) - 1u;
while( get_next() and got_digit() )
if( result>overflow_limit )
throw std::runtime_error( std::format("Integer literal overflow ({}x{} would exceed {})", result, base, std::numeric_limits<Uint>::max()) );
result = (base*result) + ascii::value_of_digit(curr_codepoint());
return result;
int main()
SimpleParser parser("32759");
std::cout << parser.extract_index<unsigned int>() << '\n';
The standard <cctype>
ASCII | Characters | is cntrl | is print | is graph | is space | is blank | is punct | is alnum | is alpha | is upper | is lower | is digit | is xdigit |
0 Γ· 8 | control codes (NUL , β¦) |
β£ | |||||||||||
9 | tab (\t ) |
β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||||
10 Γ· 13 | whitespaces (\n ,\v ,\f ,\r ) |
β£ | β£ | ||||||||||
14 Γ· 31 | control codes (SO , β¦) |
β£ | |||||||||||
32 | space (' ' ) |
β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||||
33 Γ· 47 | !\"#$%&' ()*+,-./ |
β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||||
48 Γ· 57 | 0123456789 |
β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||
58 Γ· 64 | :;<=>?@ |
β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||||
65 Γ· 70 | ABCDEF |
β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | ||||||
β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||
91 Γ· 96 | [\\]^_` |
β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||||
97 Γ· 102 | abcdef |
β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | ||||||
103 Γ· 122 | ghijklmnopq rstuvwxyz |
β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||
123 Γ· 126 | {|}~ |
β£ | β£ | β£ | |||||||||
127 | backspace (DEL ) |
β£ |