🚀 Basic template for experimenting and prototyping with Material Components for the Web (or MDC-Web).
The template is based on Getting Started doc, but fixes some errors and adds small improvements:
- ✔️ fixed outdated
configuration - ✔️ links
font - ✔️ proper
HTML markup
MDC-Web is used with SASS (not via CDN) allowing you to use mixins, perform customizations and theming. As an example, the template includes customized @material/button component.
Go to Releases and download the latest release. Unpack it, rename the folder/app and use it as a starting point for experimenting with MDC-Web:
# install dependencies
yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn start
# build for production with minification
yarn build
- Go to codesandbox.io and click Create Sandbox.
- Select "Import Project" and enter GitHub repository:
- Once the initialization is done, you'll have online workspace ready for development and sharing.