To run the demo, clone this repository and install all dependencies, then call the demo run
# clone the repository
git clone
# install all dependencies
cd path/to/install/folder
npm install
## run the script
npm run 'demo run'
All the the generated files will be saved in the demo/demo-output
Alternatively, download and save only the demo directory (you can use, this is a direct download link:, then install svg-icons-toools with npm (npm i @massimo-cassandro/svg-icons-tools
), move the demo directory to the same folder as your installation and run:
npx iconsTools --config ./demo/svg-icons-tools.config.mjs
About demo files
Some icons comes from Phosphor Icons, Remix Icon and heroicons.
File prefixes (heroicons, phosphoricons, etc.) are used to identify their origin and are removed during processing.
The -w-pallet
suffix means that the file has a “pallet” (see config file) to be removed.
Likewise, duotone icons are indicated by the suffix -duotone