As generative AI is evolving, AI-generated contents is also increasing.
- In the future, AI themself or the owner/creator of AI may hold and manage the IP of AI-generated contents.
By attesting a ZKP to AI-generated contents (i.e. images), IP of these AI-generated contents can be protected.
- In this project, AI-generated images are used as a AI-generated contents.
SP1 / Succinct would be used for generating/verifying a ZKP, which is attested to AI-generated contents
- 1/ Compile program
cd program
cargo prove build
- 2/ Executing program without generating a proof.
cd script
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --execute
- 3/ Executing program with generating a proof.
cd script
RUST_LOG=info cargo run --release -- --prove
- Currently, this project has been in progress.