- This is a smart contract for creating a reinsurance layer for Nexus, where users can stake Uniswap/Balancer LP tokens in return for additional wNXM rewards.
- In return, if Nexus’ MCR% drops below a certain threshold (eg 80%) then Nexus can claim a portion of the LP tokens, withdraw their underlying assets and transfer the assets into the Nexus Mutual pool.
- Workflow of Nexus Reinsurance
- Reinsurance capital is provided by Uniswap/Balancer LP’s in high quality assets only (eg ETH,DAI,USDC etc)
- Capital is rewarded with wNXM tokens which are paid for by Nexus Mutual.
- Claim triggers are defined if MCR% drops below a certain threshold then a certain amount of LP tokens are taken and injected into Nexus Mutual as capital.
- Reinsurance Pool Factory is a generalised protocol that deploys pools for Nexus as well as other projects.
- Nexus Reinsurance Pool Manager interfaces between Nexus Mutual and the Reinsurance Pool/s and manages settings and interactions between different reinsurance pools (Source from: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EZLRdxkfb-3lbkAp1FNrIs4vkDXPfNko6PJ0IMnp4vw/edit# )
$ npm install
$ npm run migrate:kovan
※ In progress
- Nexus Mutual
Nexus Reinsurance Layer (Document)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EZLRdxkfb-3lbkAp1FNrIs4vkDXPfNko6PJ0IMnp4vw/edit -
Nexus Reinsurance Layer in GR8
https://gitcoin.co/issue/NexusMutual/smart-contracts/48/100024186 -
MCR% stands for Minimum Capital Requirement %
- Nexus Mutual (Other resources)
- Nexus Mutual Smart Contracts: https://github.com/NexusMutual/smart-contracts/tree/master/contracts
- Nexus Mutual docs: https://nexusmutual.gitbook.io/docs/docs
- Nexus Mutual app: https://app.nexusmutual.io/
- Nexus Mutual Smart Contracts index: https://nxm.surge.sh/
- Stats: https://nexustracker.io/
- Wrapped NXM (wNXM): https://etherscan.io/address/0x0d438f3b5175bebc262bf23753c1e53d03432bde#code
- GR8 Bounty: https://gitcoin.co/issue/NexusMutual/smart-contracts/47/100024185
- Deployed contract address
Deployed contract information https://nexusmutual.gitbook.io/docs/docs#deployed-contract-information
How to deploy on Kovan https://github.com/NexusMutual/smart-contracts#getting-started