This is a really simple Open Source WiFi smart lamp repository. This project was built with Espressif ESP32 and WS2812B LEDs controlled by FastLED library. The main goal was to build a Smart Lamp that you controll with your phone.
- Feel free to improve use or fork this repository in your own projects, just mention me on it :)
- For any bugs or improvements feel free to make an issue or make a pull request
- Connect your LEDs to this
#define LED_PIN 5 // Led DATA output
- To use this code first you need to set your home WiFi SSID and PASS in the following code:
// Replace with your network credentials
const char *ssid = "your SSID";
const char *password = "your PASS";
- Upload
- When the ESP has connected to your home internet it will put out a message in the serial monitor with the IP adress.
- Copy it then paste it in your web. (Disclaimer! you need to be connected to the same internet as your ESP)
In further versions you won't have to hard code your credentials.
The lamp has 3 main effects: Rainbow, Colors Fade and Custom Color. You can controll the brightness of the leds, in one mode you can controll the hue of the leds and in 2 of the modes you can controll the speed too.
- Board: ESP32
- Light: WS2812B, 30 LEDs in total
- Power supply: 18650 battery and MP2636 charger board
- Operating System: ALL
- Programming environment: Visual Studio Code - PlatformIO
- Programming language: C++
- Additional dependencies or libraries:
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <WiFi.h>
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <AsyncTCP.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <AsyncElegantOTA.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include <FastLED.h>
#include "FileSystem.h"
#include "Cipher.h" // For encryption
The ESP is communicating via WebSockets and in that it is passing JSON file which is looks like this:
Name | Value | Description |
"state" | 1/0, true/false | On/Off state |
"mode" | 0..2 | Mode select |
"brightnessValue" | 0..255 | Brightness |
"speedValue" | 0..100 | Speed in two modes |
"rgbValue" | 0..255 | Hue value in one mode |
This flow chart section contains main functions for easy understanding.
This fucntion the initWiFi() where the ESP basically manages the wifi connection. This fucnion is not running in setup() or loop() (so it runs in one of the cores) because then it wouldn't do anything untill you are connected to the internet. This is important because the lamp can be used as a standalone unit (eg. using it withount any internet) just have to put it in some buttons lol
flowchart TD
initWiFi["initWiFi()"] --> TryToConnectNetwork[Trying to connect to network]
TryToConnectNetwork --> TryingForSec[Trying For 'tryForMs' Sec]
TryingForSec --> Success{Success ?}
Success -->|YES| initServer[Initializing WebServer and WebSocket]
Success -->|NO| initWifiManager["initWiFiManager()"]
initServer --> exitInitWifi["Exiting initWiFi()"]
initWifiManager --> startWebserverWifiManager["Starting servers with AP"]
startWebserverWifiManager --> GettingPWSSID["Waiting for PW and SSID"]
GettingPWSSID --> SuccessPWSSID{Success ?}
SuccessPWSSID -->|YES| Restart
SuccessPWSSID -->|NO| initWifiManager["initWiFiManager()"]
Restart --> initWiFi
Blending fucntion is just a "Nice to have" part of the code. This is blending two led sources when mode change happened. Little buggy at the moment. issue: #2
flowchart TD
ModeChanged{"Mode Changed ?"}
ModeChanged -->|NO| runPatternActualMode1["runPattern(actualMode, leds)"]
ModeChanged -->|YES| runPatternActualMode2["runPattern(actualMode, source1)"]
runPatternActualMode2 --> runPatternNewMode["runPattern(newMode, source2)"]
runPatternNewMode --> blend["blend(source1, source2, leds, NUM_LEDS, blendAmount)"]
blend --> blendIs255{"blendAmount == 255"}
blendIs255 -->|YES| actualModeIsTheNewMode["actualMode = newMode"]
actualModeIsTheNewMode --> ModeChangedisFalse["Mode Changed = false"]
ModeChangedisFalse --> blendAmountIs0["blendAmount = 0"]
blendIs255 -->|NO| blendAmountInc["blendAmount++"]
This project would not be here without these repositories so huge thanks :)
alanswx/ESPAsyncWiFiManager, kurimawxx00/wifi-manager, me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer.