diff --git a/dbusmock/testcase.py b/dbusmock/testcase.py
index 456bbc34..6e43f665 100644
--- a/dbusmock/testcase.py
+++ b/dbusmock/testcase.py
@@ -243,43 +243,6 @@ def disable_service(self, service):
         if self._daemon:
-    def spawn_server(self, name: str, path: str, interface: str, system_bus: bool = False, stdout=None) -> subprocess.Popen:
-        '''
-        Wrapper around ``spawn_server`` for backwards compatibility.
-        '''
-        assert not system_bus or self.bustype == BusType.SYSTEM, "Mismatching bus types"
-        server = SpawnedServer.spawn_for_name(name, path, interface, bustype=self.bustype, stdout=stdout)
-        return server.process
-    def wait_for_bus_object(self, dest: str, path: str, system_bus: bool = False, timeout: int = 600):
-        '''
-        Wrapper around ``BusType.wait_for_bus_object()`` for backwards compatibility.
-        '''
-        assert not system_bus or self.bustype == BusType.SYSTEM, "Mismatching bus types"
-        self.bustype.wait_for_bus_object(dest, path, timeout)
-    def spawn_server_template(self,
-                              template: str,
-                              parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
-                              stdout=None,
-                              system_bus: Optional[bool] = None) -> Tuple[subprocess.Popen, dbus.proxies.ProxyObject]:
-        '''
-        Wrapper around ``spawn_server_template`` for backwards compatibility.
-        '''
-        if system_bus is not None:
-            bustype = BusType.SYSTEM if system_bus else BusType.SESSION
-        else:
-            bustype = None
-        server = SpawnedServer.spawn_server_template(template=template, parameters=parameters, bustype=bustype, stdout=stdout)
-        return server.process, server.obj
-    def get_dbus(self, system_bus: bool = False) -> dbus.Bus:
-        '''
-        Wrapper around ``BusType.get_connection()`` for backwards compatibility.
-        '''
-        assert not system_bus or self.bustype == BusType.SYSTEM, "Mismatching bus types"
-        return self.bustype.get_connection()
 class DBusTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     '''Base class for D-Bus mock tests.
diff --git a/tests/test_api_pytest.py b/tests/test_api_pytest.py
index 29f9c1ed..d66025b4 100644
--- a/tests/test_api_pytest.py
+++ b/tests/test_api_pytest.py
@@ -17,37 +17,7 @@
 import dbusmock
-def test_dbusmock_test_spawn_server(dbusmock_session):
-    test_iface = 'org.freedesktop.Test.Main'
-    p_mock = dbusmock_session.spawn_server(
-        'org.freedesktop.Test', '/', test_iface, stdout=tempfile.TemporaryFile())
-    obj_test = dbusmock_session.get_dbus().get_object('org.freedesktop.Test', '/')
-    obj_test.AddMethod('', 'Upper', 's', 's', 'ret = args[0].upper()', interface_name=dbusmock.MOCK_IFACE)
-    assert obj_test.Upper('hello', interface=test_iface) == 'HELLO'
-    p_mock.terminate()
-    p_mock.wait()
-def fixture_upower_mock(dbusmock_system):
-    p_mock, obj = dbusmock_system.spawn_server_template('upower', stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
-    yield obj
-    p_mock.terminate()
-    p_mock.wait()
-def test_dbusmock_test_spawn_system_template(upower_mock):
-    assert upower_mock
-    out = subprocess.check_output(['upower', '--dump'], universal_newlines=True)
-    assert 'version:' in out
-    assert '0.99' in out
-def test_dbusmock_test_spawnedserver(dbusmock_session):
+def test_dbusmock_test(dbusmock_session):
     test_iface = 'org.freedesktop.Test.Main'
     with dbusmock.SpawnedServer.spawn_for_name('org.freedesktop.Test', '/', test_iface) as server:
@@ -56,14 +26,14 @@ def test_dbusmock_test_spawnedserver(dbusmock_session):
         assert obj_test.Upper('hello', interface=test_iface) == 'HELLO'
-def fixture_upower_mock_spawned(dbusmock_system):
+def fixture_upower_mock(dbusmock_system):
     with dbusmock.SpawnedServer.spawn_server_template('upower') as server:
         yield server.obj
-def test_dbusmock_test_spawnedserver_template(upower_mock_spawned):
-    assert upower_mock_spawned
+def test_dbusmock_test_template(upower_mock):
+    assert upower_mock
     out = subprocess.check_output(['upower', '--dump'], universal_newlines=True)
     assert 'version:' in out
     assert '0.99' in out