This LP problem involves finding the optimal allocation of assets in a portfolio in order to maximize returns or minimize risk.
$C$ : available capital
Decision variables:
$x_1$ : amount of money invested in stock of type 1 -
$x_2$ : amount of money invested in stock of type 2
This LP problem involves finding the optimal allocation of resources (such as time, money, or materials) to different activities in order to maximize some objective.
This LP problem involves finding the optimal production levels of different products in order to maximize profits or minimize costs.
Typical example:
$T={1, \ldots, 3}:$ set of months
$b$ : production capacity of$A$ -
$b^{\prime}:$ production capacity of$B$ -
$c$ : unit production cost for$A$ -
$c^{\prime}$ : unit production cost for$B$ -
$m:$ inventory cost per unit and month -
$d_t$ : sales forecast for month$t$ , for$t \in T$
Decision variables
$x_t$ : units produced by$A$ in month$t$ , for$t \in T$ -
$x_t^{\prime}$ : units bought from$B$ in month$t$ , for$t \in T$ -
$z_t$ : units in inventory at the end of month$t$ , for$t \in T \cup{0}$
& \min \sum_{t \in T}\left(c x_t+c^{\prime} x_t^{\prime}+m z_t\right) \quad \text { (cost) } \
& \text { s. t. } x_t \leq b \quad t \in T \quad \text { (capacity of A) } \
& x_t^{\prime} \leq b^{\prime} \quad t \in T \quad \text { (capacity of B) } \
& z_{t-1}+x_t+x_t^{\prime} \geq d_t \quad t \in T \quad \text { (demand) } \
& z_{t-1}+x_t+x_t^{\prime}-d_t=z_t t \in T \text { (inventory balance) } \
& z_0=0 \quad \text { (starting condition) } \
& x_t, x_t^{\prime}, z_t \geq 0 \quad t \in T \quad \text { (nonnegative variables) } \
Observe that the (demand) constraint is redundant, as it is implied by
It's not so rare that you have to account a minimum lot size . We add the binary variables:
$y_t: 1$ if production is active at month$t$ , or 0 otherwise, for$t \in T$
and the constraints $$ \begin{array}{lll} x_t \geq l y_t & t \in T \quad & \text { (minimum lot size) } \ x_t \leq M y_t & t \in T & \text { (activation) } \end{array} $$
where is the minimum lot size, and
This is a classic LP problem that involves finding the optimal combination of foods to eat in order to meet certain nutritional requirements at the lowest cost.
We can also 'expand' this formulation obviously for many links. In that case the decision variables will be
This LP problem involves finding the optimal assignment of workers to tasks, in order to minimize the total cost of the assignments.
$I={1, \ldots, n}$ : months
$d_i$ : demand for month$i, i \in I$
Decision variables:
$x_i$ : number of expert workers available in month$i, i \in I$ -
$y_i$ : number of workers training during month$i, i \in I$
Constraint (number) is nonlinear. By dropping the
Constraint (number) can be formulated in a linear way by introducing for each
This LP problem involves finding the optimal way to distribute a product from a set of sources to a set of destinations at the lowest cost.
This LP problem involves finding the optimal location for a facility (such as a factory or warehouse) in order to minimize costs or maximize profits. The problem is an important extension of the transportation problem where we have to decide not only the transportation plan for supplying the goods from the wharehouses to the clients, but also the candidate sites (locations) in which to open (activate) the warehouses.
This LP problem involves finding the optimal selection of items to include in a knapsack, in order to maximize the total value of the items while staying within the knapsack's weight limit.
The problem of finding a set of
To define the diffusion spread, we use the deterministic Linear Threshold (LT) model, where each node
The propagation defined by the LT model evolves as a deterministic process over a discrete time horizon.
To store a large set of strings, such as DNA sequences, we can use compact storage for similar sequences. The problem is to store many similar entries in a compact way, assuming the strings are binary. We can compute the Hamming distance between each pair of sequences (number of bits that need to be flipped to obtain the other sequence) to satisfy the properties of a distance function. Indeed distance hamming satisfies the three usual properties of a distance: nonnegativity, symmetry and triangle inequality.
In order to exploit redundancies between sequences and to save memory, we can store only one of the sequences and then construct a complete graph