React 16 basic setup with react router, Webpack 4 and additional standard linter installed with babel-eslint parser.
- Comp1 as an example of component with 'ref' and PropTypes usage examples.
- Comp2 as an example of component with route parameters.
- Comp3 as an example of component making use of higher order components.
- MultipleComps4 and Comp4 are an example of creating a list of components.
- ErrorBoundary and ErrorComp present a way of error generation and handling.
- The Counter component explains the usage of conditional rendering.
- In-depth explanation in the wiki
cd path-to-your-project
npm install
npm i -g ntl
- By running ntl you can choose which script to run. For example start, build, build:prod and watch will be some of the choices. All of these scripts are in the
file in the scripts object. - Command to start ntl and choose an option
If you don't want to use ntl you can use the npm run
command with the chosen script, examples:
- For development bundle
npm run build
- For production ready bundle
npm run build:prod
- For development server
npm start
- For Webpack watch
npm run watch
- For testing with jest
npm run test