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Salad Container Engine Action

Automatically deploy updated container images to your Salad Account
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Automatically Deploy Containers to Salad's SCE

Usage Example

Place the following in step in your github actions

 - name: Deploy Update to SCE
        uses: SaladTechnologies/sce-deploy@v0.1.1
          salad_organization: <salad organization name>
          salad_project: <salad project name>
          salad_container_group: <salad container group name>
          salad_api_key: ${{secrets.SALAD_API_KEY}}
          image_name: <registry:tag>


  • You must already have a Salad account with an existing container group. This github action will simply update the image for the container group. All other updates can be made using either the portal or the public API.
  • You must get your Salad API key here. It is highly recommended to store this in Github as a secret (see example above).

Setup Steps

  1. Create a Salad account at
  2. Get the API key for your Salad account here
  3. Create a container group to configure hardware requirements, env vars...
  4. Update the github action to include the salad organization, project & container group


Keys can be added directly to your .yml config file or referenced from your project Secrets storage.

To add a secret go to the Settings tab in your project then select Secrets. We strongly recommend you store your password as a secret.

Key Name Required Example Description
salad_organization Yes salad The Salad organization name. Can be found in the portal url
salad_project Yes production The Salad project name. Can be found in the portal url
salad_container_group Yes my-container-group The Salad container group name. Can be found in the portal url bar
salad_api_key Yes ******** The Salad API key
image_name Yes The full image name, including registry, image name and tag
aws_access_key_id NO ******** The AWS ECR Access key
aws_secret_access_key NO ******** The AWS Secret Access Key associated with the Access Key Id


 - name: Deploy Update to SCE
        uses: SaladTechnologies/sce-deploy@v0.1.1
          salad_organization: <salad organization name>
          salad_project: <salad project name>
          salad_container_group: <salad container group name>
          salad_api_key: ${{secrets.SALAD_API_KEY}}
          image_name: <registry:tag>
          aws_access_key_id: ${{secrets.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}}
          aws_secret_access_key: ${{secrets.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}}

Salad Container Engine Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Automatically deploy updated container images to your Salad Account

Salad Container Engine Action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.