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Converts markdown text to HTML

Converts markdown text to HTML, Provide command line tools and methods
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Converts markdown text to HTML, Provide command line tools and methods. If you are simply converting a small number of Markdown files (or text) into HTML pages, this is very helpful for you.


Used in Github Actions.

- run: npm i markdown-to-html-cli -g
- run: markdown-to-html --output coverage/index.html
- run: markdown-to-html --source src/ --output coverage/index.html
# or
- name: Converts Markdown to HTML
  uses: jaywcjlove/markdown-to-html-cli@main
    output: coverage/action.html
    favicon: data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🌐</text></svg>

Using With Command.

  "scripts": {
    "start": "markdown-to-html --output coverage/index.html"
  "devDependencies": {
    "markdown-to-html-cli": "latest"

Used in Nodejs.

import { create } from 'markdown-to-html-cli';

const html = create({
  markdown: 'Hello World! **Bold**\n# Title',
  document: {
    style: ['body { background: red; }'],
// => HTML String


$ npm i markdown-to-html-cli

Github Actions

- name: Converts Markdown to HTML
  uses: jaywcjlove/markdown-to-html-cli@main
    output: coverage/action.html
    favicon: data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🌐</text></svg>

Input Parameters

  • output - Output static pages to the specified directory. (default: index.html)
  • source - The path of the target file "". (default:
  • description - Define a description of your web page.
  • config - Specify the configuration file. (default: package.json)
  • markdown - Markdown string
  • favicon - Add a Favicon to your Site.
  • github-corners - Add a Github corner to your project page.
  • corners - Show corners. (default: true)
  • dark-mode - Disable light and dark theme styles button. (default: true)
  • markdown-style - Markdown wrapper style.
  • markdown-style-theme - Setting markdown-style light/dark theme. (dark | light)
  • style - Override default styles. css file path or css string
  • title - Define the content of the "<title>" document title!

Output Parameters

  • output - Output static pages to the specified directory
  • markdown - Markdown string
  • html - HTML string

Configure in package.json

The configuration can be specified through --config="config/conf.json", It can be in package.json by default.

  "markdown-to-html": {
    "document": {
      "title": "markdown-to-html-cli",
      "description": "Command line tool generates markdown as html.",
      "style": "body { color: red; }",
      "meta": [
        { "description": "Command line tool generates markdown as html." },
        { "keywords": "store,localStorage,lightweight,JavaScript" }
    "favicon": "data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🌐</text></svg>",
    "github-corners": "",
    "reurls": {
      "": "index.zh.html",
      "": "index.html"
  • name -> 'markdown-to-html'.title - Define the content of the <title> document title!
  • description -> 'markdown-to-html'.description - Define a description of your web page.
  • repository.url -> 'markdown-to-html'.github-corners - Add a Github corner to your project page.
  • keywords -> 'markdown-to-html'.document.meta - Define keywords for search engines.

Command Help

Usage: markdown-to-html [options] [--help|h]


  --author                Define the author of a page.
  --config, -o            Specify the configuration file. Default: "<process.cwd()>/package.json".
  --description           Define a description of your web page.
  --favicon               Add a Favicon to your Site.
  --no-corners            Hide Github corner from your project page.
  --github-corners        Add a Github corner to your project page.
  --github-corners-fork   Github corners style.
  --keywords              Define keywords for search engines.
  --no-dark-mode          Disable light and dark theme styles button.
  --markdown              Markdown string.
  --img-base64            Convert images in HTML to base64.
  --style                 Override default styles. css file path or css string.
  --markdown-style-theme  Setting markdown-style light/dark theme.
  --markdown-style        Markdown wrapper style
  --ignore-file           Ignore markdown files under certain paths. Default: "(node_modules)"
  --output, -o            Output static pages to the specified directory. Default: "index.html"
  --source, -s            The path of the target file "". Default: ""
  --title                 The `<title>` tag is required in HTML documents!
  --version, -v           Show version number
  --help, -h              Displays help information.


  markdown-to-html     --title="Hello World!"
  markdown-to-html     --config="config/conf.json"
  npx markdown-to-html-cli
  npx markdown-to-html-cli **/*.md --output "dist"
  npx markdown-to-html-cli **/*.md --ignore-file="(test)"
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --markdown="Hello World!"
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --no-dark-mode
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --dark-mode auto
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --dark-mode auto --markdown-style-theme dark
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --no-dark-mode --markdown-style-theme dark
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --markdown-style-theme dark
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --github-corners
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --github-corners --github-corners-fork
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --output coverage/index.html
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --source
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --source --style=./style.css
  npx markdown-to-html-cli --source --style='body { color: red; }'

Markdown Features

Supports for CSS Style

Use HTML comments <!--rehype:xxx--> to let Markdown support style customization.

## Title
<!--rehype:style=display: flex; height: 230px; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 38px;-->

Markdown Supports **Style**<!--rehype:style=color: red;-->

Support for GFM footnotes

Here is a simple footnote[^1]. With some additional text after it.

[^1]: My reference.

To create a task list, preface list items with a regular space character followed by [ ]. To mark a task as complete, use [x].

- [x] #739
- [ ]
- [ ] Add delight to the experience when all tasks are complete :tada:

If a task list item description begins with a parenthesis, you'll need to escape it with \:

- [ ] \(Optional) Open a followup issue


import { ParsedArgs } from 'minimist';
import { Options } from 'rehype-document';
export interface CreateOptions extends MDToHTMLOptions { }
export declare function create(options?: CreateOptions): string;
export interface RunArgvs extends Omit<ParsedArgs, '_'> {
  version?: string;
  source?: string;
  output?: string;
  /** Add a Github corner to your project page. */
  'github-corners'?: string;
  /** Github corners style. */
  'github-corners-fork'?: boolean;
  /** Disable light and dark theme styles button. */
  'dark-mode'?: boolean;
  /** Setting markdown-style light/dark theme. */
  'markdown-style-theme'?: 'dark' | 'light';
  /** Markdown string. */
  markdown?: string;
  /** Markdown wrapper style */
  'markdown-style'?: string;
  /** The `<title>` tag is required in HTML documents! */
  title?: string;
  /** Specify the configuration file. Default: `<process.cwd()>/package.json` */
  config?: string;
  /** Define a description of your web page */
  description?: string;
  /** Define keywords for search engines */
  keywords?: string;
  /** Add a Favicon to your Site */
  favicon?: string;
  /** Define the author of a page */
  author?: string;
  /** Override default styles */
  style?: string;
export interface MDToHTMLOptions extends RunArgvs {
  /** [rehype-document]( options */
  document?: Options;
  /** Rewrite Element. [rehype-rewrite]( */
  rewrite?: RehypeRewriteOptions['rewrite'];
  /** rewrite URLs of href and src attributes. */
  reurls?: Record<string, string>;
export declare function run(opts?: Omit<RunArgvs, "_">): any;
export declare const cliHelp: string;
export declare const exampleHelp: string;



$ npm i
$ npm run build
$ npm run watch



As always, thanks to our amazing contributors!

Made with github-action-contributors.


MIT © Kenny Wong

Converts markdown text to HTML is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Converts markdown text to HTML, Provide command line tools and methods

Converts markdown text to HTML is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.