This repository tracks the work our team accomplished during the VMworld hackathon on August 28, 2017.
The Vester project is here:
And the online documentation lives here:
This work was performed against Vester 1.2 (commit 29f17e6). We went in to the evening with these rough goals:
- Extend Vester to support vSAN, and begin adding relevant tests
- Add tests to help enforce the 6.5 Security Config Guide
- Time permitting, extend
to group together tests tagged as 6.5 security related
Our team consisted of these rockstars:
- Kanji Bates (@kanjibates)
- Becky Elliott (@beckylelliott)
- Matt Allford (@mattallford)
- Robin Haberstroh (@strohland)
- Aaron Smith (@awsmith99)
- Tony Voss (@anthonyjvoss)
- Mark Wolfe (@markwolfe412)