Hi everyone! We will use this Github repository to announce more details about the Big #PGHLittleHack event taking place in May 22, 2019. For full details of location and time please read @carlcapozza's blog post https://capozza.io/pghvmug-usercon-big-pghlittlehack/.
Feel free to send a pull request and modify this document to show your engagement :)
Confirmed attendees with a team - feel free to submit a PR to move yourself or create a new team
Raspberry Pi Hackers
- Eric Nielsen - team lead
Confirmed attendees without a team
Confirmed guest judges - these can change and join teams etc
Vishwa Srikaanth, VMware, vSphere Product Manager for API and tags
Kyle Ruddy, VMware, Senior Technical Marketing Architect automation
Nigel Hickey, VMware, Technical Marketing Engineer vSphere
Tim Davis, VMware, Native Cloud Advocate
Support Staff
Ariel Sanchez, VMware, Technical Account Manager
Confirmed lab gear and technology you can play with
- Eric Nielsen will have Raspebrry Pi and sensors handy
- Expedient will allow people who sign up with access to their vCloud environment! And they will be in attendance to help people use it. Send Ariel Sanchez a DM with 4 things - first name, last name, work email, company. They won't spam you, but it's needed for this generous gesture.
- Ariel Sanchez will bring a 64gb NUC, Open vSwitch switch, and a VeloCloud device
- AdminWillie has a Pi with contollers.