Search the existing issues before logging a new one.
The issue tracker is for issues, in other words, bugs and suggestions. If you have a question, feedback or suggestions, please check our support page.
In general, things we find useful when reviewing suggestions are:
- A description of the problem you're trying to solve
- An overview of the suggested solution
- Examples of how the suggestion would work in various places
- Code examples showing e.g. "this would be an error, this wouldn't"
- Code examples showing the generated JavaScript (if applicable)
- If relevant, precedent in other languages can be useful for establishing context and expected behavior
When logging a bug, please be sure to include the following:
- What version of BotBuilder you're using
- If at all possible, an isolated way to reproduce the behavior
- The behavior you expect to see, and the actual behavior
BotBuilder is currently accepting contributions in the form of bug fixes and new features. Any submission must have an issue tracking it in the issue tracker that has been approved by the BotBuilder team. Your pull request should include a link to the bug that you are fixing. If you've submitted a PR for a bug, please post a comment in the bug to avoid duplication of effort.
If your contribution is more than 15 lines of code, you will need to complete a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). Briefly, this agreement testifies that you are granting us permission to use the submitted change according to the terms of the project's license, and that the work being submitted is under appropriate copyright.
Please submit a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) before submitting a pull request. You may visit to sign digitally. Alternatively, download the agreement (Microsoft Contribution License Agreement.docx or Microsoft Contribution License Agreement.pdf), sign, scan, and email it back to Be sure to include your github user name along with the agreement. Once we have received the signed CLA, we'll review the request.