I am a Computer Science student currently based in Juiz de Fora (MG), Brazil.
my pronouns are she/her and you can talk to me in portuguese or english (hopefully also in german, in the very distant future).
💼 | I'm a RPA developer intern at Smarthis
💻 | I'm currently studying optimization models for vehicle routing problems with trucks and drones
💖 | I'm a volunteer at Meninas Digitais UFJF, trying to increase the number of girls in STEM
👀 | in my repositories you'll probably find stuff I used to study and my (very few) personal projects
📧 | you can reach me at marialuisa@ice.ufjf.br or at my linkedin | instagram
✨ besides tech, I love to talk about books, travel, food and everything related to pop culture! ✨