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File metadata and controls

178 lines (128 loc) · 4.74 KB


DOI astropy Build Status

Basie is a software package conceived to implement scheduling of italian radiotelescopes via the creation of schedule files.

While previous ScheduleCreator software was conceived as a simple compiler which translated instructions into telescope schedules, basie consists of a complete Object Oriented model of the radiotelescope operations, opening new possibilities and giving users and developers a major flexibility.


You can download the user manual directly from this repository.


Basie (previously called ScheduleCreator) depends on Astropy and can thus run on python >= 2.6.5 If you have multiple 2.x python version, please make sure to use the same one for install basie and its deps. The package is not tested on any python 3.x version. Before installing the package make sure you download and extract the package archive at

Installation instructions can be reduced to:

$ make dep
$ make install

Note that you may need to have root privileges for installing python packages. If you wanna know more or you experience some issue, please go on reading.


We suggest to install dependencies via distutils.


From a command prompt try to execute the command

C:\your path\> easy_install

This will tell you if easy_install is installed on your Windows PC If not just donwload and install python-setuptools package from , go to the bottom of the page and grab the .exe related to your python version. If you're unsure which python version you are running from a command prompt execute

C:\your path\> python --version


On linux you should find setuptools prepackaged on most modern distros.

On debian-based distros:

you@yourpc$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

On RH based distros:

root@yourpc$ yum install python-setuptools

Once easy_install is installed, instructions are the same for every OS, so just follow the steps from command prompt or user shell.

If possible we will use 'pip', a more friendly python package manager. Install it with:

$ easy_install pip


The package depends on other python packages which can be installed manually or via distutils.

Required packages are listed in "requirements.txt" file fourinished along with these sources You can install every dependecy via (note that you may need to be root):

$ make dep

Or simply:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Or you can download and install individual packages from pypi at or using the package manager of your OS.

If you don't have access to make command (i.e. on Windows) you can also install dependencies using pip from the command line for each individual package:

$ pip install configobj
$ pip install validate
$ pip install astropy
$ pip install zodbpickle
$ pip install ZODB

or every package at once:

$ pip install configobj validate astropy ZODB ...


From the package directory just run

$ python install 


$ make install

to install the package in the current python environment. Now you can remove the downloaded package or clean build products via:

$ make clean


Once installed, the package comes with an executable called 'basie'

$ basie --help 

The schedulecreator takes in input a configuration file formatted according to a specific syntax and generates 4 files used by antenna control system as the schedule.

  1. Fetch a precompiled configuration template

    $ basie [-f] -t <destination_directory>

    Creates <destination_directory> and copy configuration.txt and targets.txt user templates into the folder. If run with -f it will override eventual existing files. Modify these files according to the comments you will find to generate a new schedule.

  2. Generate a new schedule

    $ basie [-f] -s <input_configuration_file_path> <destination_directory>

    Generates the schedule files into the destination directory, creating the folder if necessary. <input_configuration_file_path> is the path to a valid configuration file as copied and modified from user template in step 1. if run with -f overrides eventual existing files.