Second Workshop on NLP for Internet Freedom (Tentative: November 3, 2019) Co-located with EMNLP-IJCNLP November 3-7 2019, Hong Kong
- About the Propaganda Techniques Corpus (PTC)
- Tasks
- Data format
PTC is a corpus of propagandistic techniques at fine-grained level.
The corpus includes 500 articles (350k tokens) from 48 news outlets. It was manually-annotated by six professional annotators (both unitized and labeled) considering 18 propaganda techniques:
- Loaded Language
- Name Calling,Labeling
- Repetition
- Exaggeration,Minimization
- Doubt
- Appeal to fear-prejudice
- Flag-Waving
- Causal Oversimplification
- Slogans
- Appeal to Authority
- Black-and-White Fallacy
- Thought-terminating Cliches
- Whataboutism
- Reductio ad Hitlerum
- Red Herring
- Bandwagon
- Obfuscation,Intentional Vagueness,Confusion
- Straw Men
PTC enables for the development of automatic models for propaganda techniques identification, i.e. multi-class setting (FLC). Furthermore, a binary task consisting in determining whether a sentence contains any propaganda technique is provided (SLC).
The corpus includes the following folders:
train-articles: articles composing the training set in plain text format. train-labels-FLC: training set gold labels for task FLC train-labels-SLC: training set gold labels for task SLC (one file per article) dev-articles: articles composing the development set in plain text. dev-template-output-SLC: template for the output files for task SLC.
and the following files: train.task-SLC.labels: training set gold labels for task SLC in one file dev.template-output-SLC.out: development set template output in one file
train-articles/dev-articles: raw content of the articles in plain text format. The articles are retrieved with newspaper3k library. The title is on the first row, followed by an empty row. The content of the article starts from the third row, one sentence per line (line splitting is performed automatically with nltk sentence splitter)
train-labels-FLC: tab-separated file with one propaganda technique per line with the following information:
id technique begin_offset end_offset
where id is the identifier of the article, technique is one out of the 18 techniques, begin_offset is the character where the covered span begins and end_offset is the character where the covered span ends.
The naming of the pair of files is:
- article[unique_id].txt for the plain-text file
- article[unique_id].labels.tsv for the annotations files
We include three subfolders: train (350 articles), dev (60 articles).
We provide the following files for the SLC task:
- article[unique_id].task-SLC.labels
With the following format:
article_id sentence_id label
where article_id and sentence_id are the identifiers of the article and the sentence (the first sentence has id 1) and label={propaganda/non-propaganda} The template files in folder dev-template-output-SLC have the same format where label is replaced with ?. These files might be used to perform a submission by replacing ? with {propaganda/non-propaganda}.
- Task SLC: empty lines are classified as "Non-Propaganda". Those lines are saved in the dataframe as NaN (not a number). Example: article 761874505, line 2.