ML_SynthTools Public
ML_SynthTools_Pro Public
Repository containing demo modules with a higher audio quality
ML_SynthTools_Lib Public
ML SynthTools Libraries
ml_synth_sampler_example Public
Arduino Synthesizer Sampler
ml_synth_organ_example Public
ESP32, ESP8266 based MIDI Organ using the ML_SynthTools library (little example arduino project)
samd21_mini_synth Public
Lo-Fi SAMD21 based mini chip tune synthesizer - Seeed Studio - Seeeduino XIAO arduino project
ml_scratch Public
Arduino DJ'ing scratch project
speech_daisybell Public
Port of speech_daisybell.pde originally downloaded from: https://code.google.com/archive/p/tinkerit/downloads
C++ MIT License UpdatedOct 17, 2024 -
esp32_basic_synth Public
ESP32 based simple synthesizer project
ml_epiano_example Public
ml_mod_tracker Public
Arduino mod-file tracker ESP32, RP2040 and others
ml_synth_basic_example Public
Arduino polyphonic synthesizer project (not a Moog) for ESP32 - STM32 - Teensy and more
ml_synth_effects_example Public
Simple FX only demo including some sound effects
ml_synth_pwm_osc_example Public
ml_synth_multi_saw_example Public
This example uses the multi saw oscillator
esp32_fm_synth Public
ESP32 based FM synthesizer build with arduino
esp32_midi_sampler Public
simple_vt100_tft_display Public
Arduino project to show VT100 output on an extern TFT display like the IL9341
esp8266_stepper_music_module Public
ESP-8266 Stepper Midi Music Module Arduino Project
esp32_multitrack_looper Public
ESP32 Audio Kit based multitrack looper
esp32_fake_organ Public
DE ESP32 Fake Organ (organ like arduino project) or is it just an additive synthesizer?
esp32_drum_computer Public
ESP32 drum computer / sample player / midi sequencer (Arduino audio project)
esp32_usb_midi Public
ESP32 USB MIDI add-on for arduino synthesizer projects
AC101 Public
Forked from Yveaux/AC101AC101 audio codec driver library for Arduino
shields Public
Forked from badges/shieldsConcise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
DaisyExamples Public
Forked from electro-smith/DaisyExamplesExamples for the Daisy Platform
Forked from danieleff/STM32GENERICGeneric implementation of Arduino for STM32 boards
Arduino Public
Forked from esp8266/ArduinoESP8266 core for Arduino
DaisyDuino Public
Forked from electro-smith/DaisyDuinoArduino Support for the Daisy Audio Platform.