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TTL Data Diode (breadboard)

Markus Ottela edited this page May 15, 2017 · 18 revisions

The hardware data diode is a device that physically blocks covert return channels in compromised firmware of serial interfaces. This document is based on USB-TTL-USB Data Diode (version 16.10.a) by pseudonym Sancho_P, and material is used under GNU FDL v1.3.

Required parts

PCS Item
1 Pin connector strip with 15 contact points
3 USB-to-TTL adapter
3 USB 2.0 A - Mini-B cable
2 HCPL-7723 optocoupler
4 0.01-0.1μF capacitor
1 Breadboard
jump wiring

As optocoupler is an integrated circuit the internal functionality of which is hard to audit, to avoid interdiction by nation states, users should avoid buying components online.


The circuit diagram for single direction data diode is as follows

Start by cutting the pin connector strip into three pieces with five contact points each. You can use optocouplers and breadboard to support the USB-TTL adapter when soldering.

Solder pin connector strip to TTL adapter. Also solder the voltage selector to 5V setting. Be careful not to bridge the 3.3V side with center (pointed in red).

Start assembly of the data diode by placing the optocouplers on the bread board as depicted. Notice the orientation marks of optocouplers (highlighted in blue) point to opposite directions.

Ensure the width of capacitor leads is four pins.

Connect the capacitors and wires to breadboard as follows.

Connect the USB-to-TTL adapters to breadboard.

Connect the data diode to TxM, RxM and NH.

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