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Grant Heffernan edited this page Jan 8, 2016 · 10 revisions

You should have a recent ruby version (2.x) installed.

Install ChefDK

gem install opzworks

The gem reads information from ~/.aws/config, or from the file referenced by the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. It should already look something like this:

aws_access_key_id     = ilmiochiaveID
aws_secret_access_key = ilmiochiavesegreto
region                = us-east-1
output                = json

If you want the gem to read from an environment other than 'default', you can do so by exporting the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. It should be set to whatever profile name you have defined that you want to use in the config file.

Add the following section to ~/.aws/config:

ssh-user-name         = <MY SSH USER NAME>
berks-s3-bucket       = <AN EXISTING S3 BUCKET>

The ssh-user-name value should be set to the username you want to use when logging in remotely, most probably the user name from your My Settings page in OpsWorks.

The berks-repository-path should point to a base directory in which your opsworks git repositories for each stack will live.

The berks-s3-bucket will default to 'opzworks' if not set. You need to create the the bucket manually (e.g. aws s3 mb s3://opsworks-cookbook-bucket).

The berks-github-org setting is used if you try to run berks or json on a stack, and the local opsworks-${project} repo isn't found. In this event, the code will attempt to clone the repo into berks-repository-path and continue.

Additional options are:

berks-base-path, which is the temporary base directory where the berkshelf will be built. Defaults to /tmp.

berks-tarball-name, which is the name of the tarball that will be uploaded to S3. Defaults to cookbooks.tgz.

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