social group app - send nudges to your friends and family
- cd into backend and run the following:
- npm init
- npm install (grab the dependancies as per config; use sudo if OS perms arent already super)
- npm start (may have to update the mongodb URI within index.js (the mongodb atlas free tier cluster gets paused after a certain amount of time))
- open a new terminal and run the following:
- npm install ngrok -g (may have to run it as sudo npm ... if ur OS permissions are different)
- signup/login for ngrok @
- follow the connect instructions shown on the website ie. ngrok config add-authtoken ...
- run ngrok http 80
- copy the forwarding link and replace the one in ./frontend/src/api/linker.js (ie. https://[...]
- open a new terminal, cd into frontend, and run the following:
- npm init
- npm install (grab the dependancies as per config) - may have to use sudo again depending on OS permissions
- run npx expo init nudge
- expo start
- set the mode to tunnel (just in case you aren't connected to the same wifi)
- install the expo go app on your phone
- scan the qr code with your camera app and open the link with expo go
- run and enjoy!
Backend: bcrypt express firebase jsonwebtoken lodash mongoose nodemon
Frontend: react native expo