diff --git a/backend/scripts/system-prompt.md b/backend/scripts/system-prompt.md
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--- a/backend/scripts/system-prompt.md
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-Manifold is the world's most popular prediction market website.
-Manifold lets you bet on upcoming events using play money. As other users bet against you, it creates a probability of how likely the event will happen—this is known as a prediction market.
-Bet on current events, politics, tech, and AI, or create your own market about an event you care about for others to trade on!
-Our mission:
-Provide the most accurate, real-time predictions on any event.
-Combat misleading news by incentivising traders to be fast and correct.
-Help people make more informed decisions by improving their model of the future.
-1. Basics and How It Works:
- - Prediction markets allow betting on future event outcomes.
- - Prices of shares represent the probability of events occurring.
- - Anyone can create markets on any topic.
- - Manifold uses play-money (mana) instead of real currency.
- - The platform has proven to be effective at forecasting, despite not using real money.
-2. Using Manifold:
- - Users start with 200 mana for free.
- - Mana can be used to bet, create markets, and promote questions.
- - Prize points can be earned and converted to mana or donated to charities.
- - Users can earn mana through correct predictions, successful trades, creating popular markets, completing quests, and referring friends.
-3. Types of Questions:
- - Personal (fun wagers, recommendations, accountability goals)
- - News and current events
- - Politics, sports, economics
- - Impactful causes and research
- - Project management
-4. Best Practices for Creating Markets:
- - Set clear resolution criteria
- - Include a resolution date
- - Write an engaging description
- - Add the market to relevant topics/groups
- - Share your own opinion
- - Promote your market
- - Subsidize your market for increased activity
-5. Tips for Becoming a Good Trader:
- - Find inaccurate probabilities
- - React quickly to news
- - Buy low, sell high
- - Create innovative answers in free response markets
- - Sort markets by close date or newest
- - Follow successful traders
-6. Market Resolution:
- - Market creators resolve their own markets
- - Resolution should be timely and based on predetermined criteria
- - Options include Yes/No, Partial, or multiple choice resolutions
- - N/A resolution (market cancellation) is limited to moderators
-7. Market Mechanics:
- - Prices and probabilities are determined by trader activity
- - Users buy shares of outcomes, with each correct share worth 1 mana at resolution
- - Manifold uses a combination of limit orders and automated market maker
- - Limit orders allow betting at specific probabilities
- - Liquidity pool affects market stability and tradability
-8. Payouts and Loans:
- - Payouts are calculated based on the number of shares owned
- - Loans (now deprecated) used to provide daily returns on bet amounts
-9. Miscellaneous:
- - Users can donate to various charities using prize points
- - Customizable notification settings
- - Account deletion process explained
- - Content moderation policy and reporting process outlined
- - Official API available
-10. Unique Features:
- - Largest range of prediction topics due to user-generated content
- - Free to play with prizes available in select regions
- - Community-driven question creation and resolution
-11. Fair Play and Dispute Resolution:
- - Community guidelines enforce fair play
- - Disputes can be reported to moderators for review
- - Markets may be re-resolved in cases of abuse, misresolution, or technical failures
- Hello this is a short guide to coding on Manifold! It was written to provide context to Claude, so he can know how to code for us.
-Here's an example component in our style:
-import clsx from 'clsx'
-import { isAdminId, isModId } from 'common/envs/constants'
-import { type Headline } from 'common/news'
-import Link from 'next/link'
-import { EditNewsButton } from 'web/components/news/edit-news-button'
-import { Carousel } from 'web/components/widgets/carousel'
-import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user'
-import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics'
-import { DashboardEndpoints } from 'web/components/dashboard/dashboard-page'
-import { removeEmojis } from 'common/util/string'
-export function HeadlineTabs(props: {
- headlines: Headline[]
- currentSlug: string
- endpoint: DashboardEndpoints
- hideEmoji?: boolean
- notSticky?: boolean
- className?: string
-}) {
- const { headlines, endpoint, currentSlug, hideEmoji, notSticky, className } =
- props
- const user = useUser()
- return (
- {headlines.map(({ id, slug, title }) => (
- ))}
- {user && }
- {user && (isAdminId(user.id) || isModId(user.id)) && (
- )}
- )
-It's best to export the main component at the top of the file. We also try to name the component the same as the file name (headline-tabs.tsx) so that it's easy to find.
-Here's another example in `home.tsx` that calls our api. We have an endpoint called 'headlines', which is being cached by NextJS:
-import { api } from 'web/lib/api/api'
-// More imports...
-export async function getStaticProps() {
- try {
- const headlines = await api('headlines', {})
- return {
- props: {
- headlines,
- revalidate: 30 * 60, // 30 minutes
- },
- }
- } catch (err) {
- return { props: { headlines: [] }, revalidate: 60 }
- }
-export default function Home(props: { headlines: Headline[] }) { ... }
-If we are calling the API on the client, prefer using the `useAPIGetter` hook:
-export const YourTopicsSection = (props: {
- user: User
- className?: string
-}) => {
- const { user, className } = props
- const { data, refresh } = useAPIGetter('get-followed-groups', {
- userId: user.id,
- })
- const followedGroups = data?.groups ?? []
- ...
-This stores the result in memory, and allows you to call refresh() to get an updated version.
-We frequently use `usePersistentInMemoryState` or `usePersistentLocalState` as an alternative to `useState`. These cache data. Most of the time you want in memory caching so that navigating back to a page will preserve the same state and appear to load instantly.
-Here's the definition of usePersistentInMemoryState:
-export const usePersistentInMemoryState = (initialValue: T, key: string) => {
- const [state, setState] = useStateCheckEquality(
- safeJsonParse(store[key]) ?? initialValue
- )
- useEffect(() => {
- const storedValue = safeJsonParse(store[key]) ?? initialValue
- setState(storedValue as T)
- }, [key])
- const saveState = useEvent((newState: T | ((prevState: T) => T)) => {
- setState((prevState) => {
- const updatedState = isFunction(newState) ? newState(prevState) : newState
- store[key] = JSON.stringify(updatedState)
- return updatedState
- })
- })
- return [state, saveState] as const
-We prefer using lodash functions instead of reimplementing them with for loops:
-import { keyBy, uniq } from 'lodash'
-const betsByUserId = keyBy(bets, 'userId')
-const betIds = uniq(bets, (b) => b.id)
-When organizing imports, we put the external libraries at the top, followed by a new line, and then our internal imports.
-import { useState } from 'react'
-import { keyBy } from 'lodash'
-import { useAPIGetter } from 'web/hooks/use-api-getter'
-import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user'
-For live updates, we use websockets. In `use-api-subscription.ts`, we have this hook:
-export function useApiSubscription(opts: SubscriptionOptions) {
- useEffect(() => {
- const ws = client
- if (ws != null) {
- if (opts.enabled ?? true) {
- ws.subscribe(opts.topics, opts.onBroadcast).catch(opts.onError)
- return () => {
- ws.unsubscribe(opts.topics, opts.onBroadcast).catch(opts.onError)
- }
- }
- }
- }, [opts.enabled, JSON.stringify(opts.topics)])
-In `use-bets`, we have this hook to get live updates with useApiSubscription:
-export const useContractBets = (
- contractId: string,
- opts?: APIParams<'bets'> & { enabled?: boolean }
-) => {
- const { enabled = true, ...apiOptions } = {
- contractId,
- ...opts,
- }
- const optionsKey = JSON.stringify(apiOptions)
- const [newBets, setNewBets] = usePersistentInMemoryState(
- [],
- `${optionsKey}-bets`
- )
- const addBets = (bets: Bet[]) => {
- setNewBets((currentBets) => {
- const uniqueBets = sortBy(
- uniqBy([...currentBets, ...bets], 'id'),
- 'createdTime'
- )
- return uniqueBets.filter((b) => !betShouldBeFiltered(b, apiOptions))
- })
- }
- const isPageVisible = useIsPageVisible()
- useEffect(() => {
- if (isPageVisible && enabled) {
- api('bets', apiOptions).then(addBets)
- }
- }, [optionsKey, enabled, isPageVisible])
- useApiSubscription({
- topics: [`contract/${contractId}/new-bet`],
- onBroadcast: (msg) => {
- addBets(msg.data.bets as Bet[])
- },
- enabled,
- })
- return newBets
-Here are all the topics we broadcast, from `backend/shared/src/websockets/helpers.ts`
-export function broadcastUpdatedPrivateUser(userId: string) {
- // don't send private user info because it's private and anyone can listen
- broadcast(`private-user/${userId}`, {})
-export function broadcastUpdatedUser(user: Partial & { id: string }) {
- broadcast(`user/${user.id}`, { user })
-export function broadcastNewBets(
- contractId: string,
- visibility: Visibility,
- bets: Bet[]
-) {
- const payload = { bets }
- broadcastMulti([`contract/${contractId}/new-bet`], payload)
- if (visibility === 'public') {
- broadcastMulti(['global', 'global/new-bet'], payload)
- }
- const newOrders = bets.filter((b) => b.limitProb && !b.isFilled) as LimitBet[]
- broadcastOrders(newOrders)
-export function broadcastOrders(bets: LimitBet[]) {
- if (bets.length === 0) return
- const { contractId } = bets[0]
- broadcast(`contract/${contractId}/orders`, { bets })
-export function broadcastNewComment(
- contractId: string,
- visibility: Visibility,
- creator: User,
- comment: ContractComment
-) {
- const payload = { creator, comment }
- const topics = [`contract/${contractId}/new-comment`]
- if (visibility === 'public') {
- topics.push('global', 'global/new-comment')
- }
- broadcastMulti(topics, payload)
-export function broadcastNewContract(contract: Contract, creator: User) {
- const payload = { contract, creator }
- if (contract.visibility === 'public') {
- broadcastMulti(['global', 'global/new-contract'], payload)
- }
-export function broadcastNewSubsidy(
- contractId: string,
- visibility: Visibility,
- amount: number
-) {
- const payload = { amount }
- const topics = [`contract/${contractId}/new-subsidy`]
- if (visibility === 'public') {
- topics.push('global', 'global/new-subsidy')
- }
- broadcastMulti(topics, payload)
-export function broadcastUpdatedContract(
- visibility: Visibility,
- contract: Partial & { id: string }
-) {
- const payload = { contract }
- const topics = [`contract/${contract.id}`]
- if (visibility === 'public') {
- topics.push('global', 'global/updated-contract')
- }
- broadcastMulti(topics, payload)
-export function broadcastNewAnswer(answer: Answer) {
- const payload = { answer }
- const topics = [`contract/${answer.contractId}/new-answer`]
- // TODO: broadcast to global. we don't do this rn cuz too lazy get contract visibility to filter out unlisted
- broadcastMulti(topics, payload)
-export function broadcastUpdatedAnswers(
- contractId: string,
- answers: (Partial & { id: string })[]
-) {
- if (answers.length === 0) return
- const payload = { answers }
- const topics = [`contract/${contractId}/updated-answers`]
- // TODO: broadcast to global
- broadcastMulti(topics, payload)
-We have our scripts in the directory `backend/scripts`.
-We have a helper called `runScript` that automatically fetches any secret keys and loads them into process.env.
-We recommend running scripts via `ts-node`. Example:
-ts-node manicode.ts "Generate a page called cowp, which has cows that make noises!"
-Our backend is mostly a set of endpoints. We create new endpoints by adding to the schema in `common/src/api/schema.ts`.
-E.g. Here is the bet schema:
- bet: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as CandidateBet & { betId: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- amount: z.number().gte(1),
- replyToCommentId: z.string().optional(),
- limitProb: z.number().gte(0.01).lte(0.99).optional(),
- expiresAt: z.number().optional(),
- // Used for binary and new multiple choice contracts (cpmm-multi-1).
- outcome: z.enum(['YES', 'NO']).default('YES'),
- //Multi
- answerId: z.string().optional(),
- dryRun: z.boolean().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
-Then, we define the bet endpoint in `backend/api/src/place-bet.ts`
-export const placeBet: APIHandler<'bet'> = async (props, auth) => {
- const isApi = auth.creds.kind === 'key'
- return await betsQueue.enqueueFn(
- () => placeBetMain(props, auth.uid, isApi),
- [props.contractId, auth.uid]
- )
-And finally, you need to register the handler in `backend/api/src/app.ts`
-import { placeBet } from './place-bet'
-const handlers: { [k in APIPath]: APIHandler } = {
- bet: placeBet,
- ...
- Here's our API schema. Each key-value pair in the below object corresponds to an endpoint.
-E.g. 'comment' can be accessed at `api.manifold.markets/v0/comment`. If 'visibility' is 'public', then you need the '/v0', otherwise, you should omit the version. However, you probably don't need the url, you can use our library function `api('comment', props)`, or `useAPIGetter('comment', props)`
- import { z } from 'zod'
-import {
- Group,
- MySearchGroupShape,
- LiteGroup,
- SearchGroupParams,
- SearchGroupShape,
- Topic,
-} from 'common/group'
-import {
- createMarketProps,
- resolveMarketProps,
- type LiteMarket,
- FullMarket,
- updateMarketProps,
-} from './market-types'
-import { MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH, type ContractComment } from 'common/comment'
-import { CandidateBet } from 'common/new-bet'
-import type { Bet, LimitBet } from 'common/bet'
-import { contentSchema } from 'common/api/zod-types'
-import { Lover } from 'common/love/lover'
-import { Contract } from 'common/contract'
-import { CompatibilityScore } from 'common/love/compatibility-score'
-import type { Txn, ManaPayTxn } from 'common/txn'
-import { LiquidityProvision } from 'common/liquidity-provision'
-import { DisplayUser, FullUser } from './user-types'
-import { League } from 'common/leagues'
-import { searchProps } from './market-search-types'
-import { MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH } from 'common/answer'
-import { type LinkPreview } from 'common/link-preview'
-import { Headline } from 'common/news'
-import { Row } from 'common/supabase/utils'
-import { LikeData, ShipData } from './love-types'
-import { AnyBalanceChangeType } from 'common/balance-change'
-import { Dashboard } from 'common/dashboard'
-import { ChatMessage } from 'common/chat-message'
-import { PrivateUser, User } from 'common/user'
-import { ManaSupply } from 'common/stats'
-import { Repost } from 'common/repost'
-import { adContract } from 'common/boost'
-import { PERIODS } from 'common/period'
-import {
- LivePortfolioMetrics,
- PortfolioMetrics,
-} from 'common/portfolio-metrics'
-import { ModReport } from '../mod-report'
-import { RegistrationReturnType } from 'common/reason-codes'
-import {
- GIDXDocument,
- GIDXMonitorResponse,
- GPSProps,
- verificationParams,
-} from 'common/gidx/gidx'
-import { notification_preference } from 'common/user-notification-preferences'
-// mqp: very unscientific, just balancing our willingness to accept load
-// with user willingness to put up with stale data
- 'public, max-age=5, stale-while-revalidate=10'
-type APIGenericSchema = {
- // GET is for retrieval, POST is to mutate something, PUT is idempotent mutation (can be repeated safely)
- method: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT'
- //private APIs can only be called from manifold. undocumented endpoints can change or be deleted at any time!
- visibility: 'public' | 'undocumented' | 'private'
- // whether the endpoint requires authentication
- authed: boolean
- // zod schema for the request body (or for params for GET requests)
- props: z.ZodType
- // note this has to be JSON serializable
- returns?: Record
- // Cache-Control header. like, 'max-age=60'
- cache?: string
-let _apiTypeCheck: { [x: string]: APIGenericSchema }
-export const API = (_apiTypeCheck = {
- comment: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as ContractComment,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- content: contentSchema.optional(),
- html: z.string().optional(),
- markdown: z.string().optional(),
- replyToCommentId: z.string().optional(),
- replyToAnswerId: z.string().optional(),
- replyToBetId: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'hide-comment': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ commentPath: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'pin-comment': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ commentPath: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- comments: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as ContractComment[],
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string().optional(),
- contractSlug: z.string().optional(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(1000).default(1000),
- page: z.coerce.number().gte(0).default(0),
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- isPolitics: z.coerce.boolean().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- bet: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as CandidateBet & { betId: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- amount: z.number().gte(1),
- replyToCommentId: z.string().optional(),
- limitProb: z.number().gte(0.01).lte(0.99).optional(),
- expiresAt: z.number().optional(),
- // Used for binary and new multiple choice contracts (cpmm-multi-1).
- outcome: z.enum(['YES', 'NO']).default('YES'),
- //Multi
- answerId: z.string().optional(),
- dryRun: z.boolean().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- createuser: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { user: User; privateUser: PrivateUser },
- props: z
- .object({
- deviceToken: z.string().optional(),
- adminToken: z.string().optional(),
- visitedContractIds: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'multi-bet': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: [] as (CandidateBet & { betId: string })[],
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- amount: z.number().gte(1),
- limitProb: z.number().gte(0).lte(1).optional(),
- expiresAt: z.number().optional(),
- answerIds: z.array(z.string()).min(1),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'multi-sell': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: [] as (CandidateBet & { betId: string })[],
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- answerIds: z.array(z.string()).min(1),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'verify-phone-number': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { status: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- phoneNumber: z.string(),
- code: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'request-otp': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { status: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- phoneNumber: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'bet/cancel/:betId': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ betId: z.string() }).strict(),
- returns: {} as LimitBet,
- },
- // sell shares
- 'market/:contractId/sell': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as CandidateBet & { betId: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- shares: z.number().positive().optional(), // leave it out to sell all shares
- outcome: z.enum(['YES', 'NO']).optional(), // leave it out to sell whichever you have
- answerId: z.string().optional(), // Required for multi binary markets
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- bets: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as Bet[],
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- username: z.string().optional(),
- contractId: z.string().or(z.array(z.string())).optional(),
- contractSlug: z.string().optional(),
- answerId: z.string().optional(),
- // market: z.string().optional(), // deprecated, synonym for `contractSlug`
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(10000).default(10000),
- before: z.string().optional(),
- after: z.string().optional(),
- beforeTime: z.coerce.number().optional(),
- afterTime: z.coerce.number().optional(),
- order: z.enum(['asc', 'desc']).optional(),
- kinds: z.enum(['open-limit']).optional(),
- // undocumented fields. idk what a good api interface would be
- filterRedemptions: z.coerce.boolean().optional(),
- includeZeroShareRedemptions: z.coerce.boolean().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'unique-bet-group-count': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as { count: number },
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- // deprecated. use /bets?username= instead
- 'user/:username/bets': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as Bet[],
- props: z
- .object({
- username: z.string(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(1000).default(1000),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'group/:slug': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as Group,
- props: z.object({ slug: z.string() }),
- },
- 'group/by-id/:id': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as Group,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- // deprecated. use /markets?groupId= instead
- 'group/by-id/:id/markets': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as LiteMarket[],
- props: z
- .object({
- id: z.string(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(1000).default(500),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'group/:slug/delete': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ slug: z.string() }),
- },
- 'group/by-id/:id/delete': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }),
- },
- 'group/:slug/block': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ slug: z.string() }),
- },
- 'group/:slug/unblock': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ slug: z.string() }),
- },
- groups: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as Group[],
- props: z
- .object({
- availableToUserId: z.string().optional(),
- beforeTime: z.coerce.number().int().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:id': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as LiteMarket | FullMarket,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string(), lite: z.boolean().optional() }),
- },
- // deprecated. use /market/:id?lite=true instead
- 'market/:id/lite': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as LiteMarket,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }),
- },
- 'slug/:slug': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as LiteMarket | FullMarket,
- props: z.object({ slug: z.string(), lite: z.boolean().optional() }),
- },
- market: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as LiteMarket,
- props: createMarketProps,
- },
- 'market/:contractId/update': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: updateMarketProps,
- returns: {} as { success: true },
- },
- 'market/:contractId/close': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- // returns: {} as LiteMarket,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- closeTime: z.number().int().nonnegative().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:contractId/resolve': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { message: string },
- props: resolveMarketProps,
- },
- 'market/:contractId/add-liquidity': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as LiquidityProvision,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- amount: z.number().gt(0).finite(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:contractId/add-bounty': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as Txn,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- amount: z.number().gt(0).finite(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:contractId/award-bounty': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as Txn,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- commentId: z.string(),
- amount: z.number().gt(0).finite(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:contractId/group': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- groupId: z.string(),
- remove: z.boolean().default(false),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: {} as { success: true },
- },
- 'market/:contractId/answer': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { newAnswerId: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string().max(MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH),
- text: z.string().min(1).max(MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:contractId/block': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ contractId: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'market/:contractId/unblock': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ contractId: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- unresolve: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { success: true },
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string().max(MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH),
- answerId: z.string().max(MAX_ANSWER_LENGTH).optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- leagues: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as League[],
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- cohort: z.string().optional(),
- season: z.coerce.number().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- markets: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as LiteMarket[],
- props: z
- .object({
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(1000).default(500),
- sort: z
- .enum([
- 'created-time',
- 'updated-time',
- 'last-bet-time',
- 'last-comment-time',
- ])
- .optional(),
- order: z.enum(['asc', 'desc']).optional(),
- before: z.string().optional(),
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- groupId: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'search-markets': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as LiteMarket[],
- props: searchProps,
- },
- 'search-markets-full': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as Contract[],
- props: searchProps,
- },
- managram: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- amount: z.number().finite(),
- toIds: z.array(z.string()),
- message: z.string().max(MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH),
- groupId: z.string().max(MAX_ID_LENGTH).optional(),
- token: z.enum(['M$', 'PP']).default('M$'),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- manalink: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { slug: string },
- props: z
- .object({
- amount: z.number().positive().finite().safe(),
- expiresTime: z.number().optional(),
- maxUses: z.number().optional(),
- message: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- donate: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- amount: z.number().positive().finite().safe(),
- to: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'convert-sp-to-mana': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ amount: z.number().positive().finite().safe() }).strict(),
- },
- 'request-loan': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({}),
- returns: {} as { payout: number },
- },
- managrams: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as ManaPayTxn[],
- props: z
- .object({
- toId: z.string().optional(),
- fromId: z.string().optional(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(100).default(100),
- before: z.coerce.number().optional(),
- after: z.coerce.number().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'market/:id/positions': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as any,
- props: z
- .object({
- id: z.string(),
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- top: z.undefined().or(z.coerce.number()),
- bottom: z.undefined().or(z.coerce.number()),
- order: z.enum(['shares', 'profit']).optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- me: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({}),
- returns: {} as FullUser,
- },
- 'me/update': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- name: z.string().trim().min(1).optional(),
- username: z.string().trim().min(1).optional(),
- avatarUrl: z.string().optional(),
- bio: z.string().optional(),
- website: z.string().optional(),
- twitterHandle: z.string().optional(),
- discordHandle: z.string().optional(),
- // settings
- optOutBetWarnings: z.boolean().optional(),
- isAdvancedTrader: z.boolean().optional(),
- //internal
- shouldShowWelcome: z.boolean().optional(),
- hasSeenContractFollowModal: z.boolean().optional(),
- hasSeenLoanModal: z.boolean().optional(),
- }),
- returns: {} as FullUser,
- },
- 'me/delete': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- username: z.string(), // just so you're sure
- }),
- },
- 'me/private': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({}),
- returns: {} as PrivateUser,
- },
- 'me/private/update': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- email: z.string().email().optional(),
- apiKey: z.string().optional(),
- pushToken: z.string().optional(),
- rejectedPushNotificationsOn: z.number().optional(),
- lastPromptedToEnablePushNotifications: z.number().optional(),
- interestedInPushNotifications: z.boolean().optional(),
- hasSeenAppBannerInNotificationsOn: z.number().optional(),
- installedAppPlatforms: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- paymentInfo: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'user/:username': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as FullUser,
- props: z.object({ username: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'user/:username/lite': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as DisplayUser,
- props: z.object({ username: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'user/by-id/:id': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- // Do not add a caching strategy here. New users need up-to-date data.
- returns: {} as FullUser,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'user/by-id/:id/lite': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as DisplayUser,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'user/by-id/:id/block': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'user/by-id/:id/unblock': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ id: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- users: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as FullUser[],
- props: z
- .object({
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(1000).default(500),
- before: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'search-users': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as FullUser[],
- props: z
- .object({
- term: z.string(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(1000).default(500),
- page: z.coerce.number().gte(0).default(0),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'search-contract-positions': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as DisplayUser[],
- props: z
- .object({
- term: z.string(),
- contractId: z.string(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(100).default(10),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'save-twitch': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- twitchInfo: z.object({
- twitchName: z.string().optional(),
- controlToken: z.string().optional(),
- botEnabled: z.boolean().optional(),
- needsRelinking: z.boolean().optional(),
- }),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'set-push-token': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({ pushToken: z.string() }).strict(),
- },
- 'update-notif-settings': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- type: z.string() as z.ZodType,
- medium: z.enum(['email', 'browser', 'mobile']),
- enabled: z.boolean(),
- }),
- },
- headlines: {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as Headline[],
- props: z.object({
- slug: z.enum(['politics', 'ai', 'news']).optional(),
- }),
- },
- 'politics-headlines': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as Headline[],
- props: z.object({}),
- },
- 'set-news': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { success: true },
- props: z
- .object({
- dashboardIds: z.array(z.string()),
- endpoint: z.enum(['politics', 'ai', 'news']),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- react: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- contentId: z.string(),
- contentType: z.enum(['comment', 'contract']),
- remove: z.boolean().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: { success: true },
- },
- 'compatible-lovers': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({ userId: z.string() }),
- returns: {} as {
- lover: Lover
- compatibleLovers: Lover[]
- loverCompatibilityScores: {
- [userId: string]: CompatibilityScore
- }
- },
- },
- post: {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as ContractComment,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- betId: z.string().optional(),
- commentId: z.string().optional(),
- content: contentSchema.optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'fetch-link-preview': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({ url: z.string() }).strict(),
- cache: 'max-age=86400, stale-while-revalidate=86400',
- returns: {} as LinkPreview,
- },
- 'remove-pinned-photo': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- returns: { success: true },
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'get-related-markets-cache': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(100),
- embeddingsLimit: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(100),
- limitTopics: z.coerce.number().gte(0).lte(10),
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- marketsFromEmbeddings: Contract[]
- marketsByTopicSlug: { [topicSlug: string]: Contract[] }
- },
- cache: 'public, max-age=3600, stale-while-revalidate=10',
- },
- 'unlist-and-cancel-user-contracts': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'get-ad-analytics': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- props: z
- .object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- uniqueViewers: number
- totalViews: number
- uniquePromotedViewers: number
- totalPromotedViews: number
- redeemCount: number
- isBoosted: boolean
- totalFunds: number
- adCreatedTime: string
- },
- },
- 'get-seen-market-ids': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- contractIds: z.array(z.string()),
- types: z.array(z.enum(['page', 'card', 'promoted'])).optional(),
- since: z.number(),
- }),
- returns: [] as string[],
- },
- 'get-compatibility-questions': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({}),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- questions: (Row<'love_questions'> & {
- answer_count: number
- score: number
- })[]
- },
- },
- 'like-lover': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- targetUserId: z.string(),
- remove: z.boolean().optional(),
- }),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- },
- },
- 'ship-lovers': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- targetUserId1: z.string(),
- targetUserId2: z.string(),
- remove: z.boolean().optional(),
- }),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- },
- },
- 'request-signup-bonus': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { bonus: number },
- props: z.object({}),
- },
- 'get-likes-and-ships': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- likesReceived: LikeData[]
- likesGiven: LikeData[]
- ships: ShipData[]
- },
- },
- 'has-free-like': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({}).strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- hasFreeLike: boolean
- },
- },
- 'star-lover': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'private',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- targetUserId: z.string(),
- remove: z.boolean().optional(),
- }),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- },
- },
- 'get-lovers': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({}).strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- lovers: Lover[]
- },
- },
- 'get-lover-answers': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({ userId: z.string() }).strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success'
- answers: Row<'love_compatibility_answers'>[]
- },
- },
- 'update-user-embedding': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({}),
- returns: {} as { success: true },
- },
- 'search-groups': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- // Is there a way to infer return { lite:[] as LiteGroup[] } if type is 'lite'?
- returns: {
- full: [] as Group[],
- lite: [] as LiteGroup[],
- },
- props: SearchGroupParams(SearchGroupShape),
- },
- 'search-my-groups': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {
- full: [] as Group[],
- lite: [] as LiteGroup[],
- },
- props: SearchGroupParams(MySearchGroupShape),
- },
- 'get-groups-with-top-contracts': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: [] as { topic: Topic; contracts: Contract[] }[],
- props: z.object({}),
- },
- 'get-balance-changes': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: [] as AnyBalanceChangeType[],
- props: z
- .object({
- after: z.coerce.number(),
- userId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'get-partner-stats': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string(),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: {} as {
- status: 'success' | 'error'
- username: string
- numContractsCreated: number
- numUniqueBettors: number
- numReferrals: number
- numReferralsWhoRetained: number
- totalTraderIncome: number
- totalReferralIncome: number
- dollarsEarned: number
- },
- },
- 'record-contract-view': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({
- userId: z.string().optional(),
- contractId: z.string(),
- kind: z.enum(['page', 'card', 'promoted']),
- }),
- returns: {} as { status: 'success' },
- },
- 'record-contract-interaction': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({
- contractId: z.string(),
- kind: z.enum([
- 'page bet',
- 'page comment',
- 'page repost',
- 'page like',
- 'card bet',
- 'card click',
- 'promoted click',
- 'card like',
- 'page share',
- 'browse click',
- ]),
- commentId: z.string().optional(),
- feedReasons: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- feedType: z.string().optional(),
- betGroupId: z.string().optional(),
- betId: z.string().optional(),
- }),
- returns: {} as { status: 'success' },
- },
- 'get-dashboard-from-slug': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({
- dashboardSlug: z.string(),
- }),
- returns: {} as Dashboard,
- },
- 'create-public-chat-message': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as ChatMessage,
- props: z.object({
- content: contentSchema,
- channelId: z.string(),
- }),
- },
- 'get-followed-groups': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({
- userId: z.string(),
- }),
- returns: {} as {
- groups: Group[]
- },
- },
- 'get-user-portfolio': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({
- userId: z.string(),
- }),
- returns: {} as LivePortfolioMetrics,
- },
- 'get-user-portfolio-history': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: false,
- props: z.object({
- userId: z.string(),
- period: z.enum(PERIODS),
- }),
- returns: {} as PortfolioMetrics[],
- },
- 'get-feed': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as {
- contracts: Contract[]
- comments: ContractComment[]
- ads: adContract[]
- bets: Bet[]
- reposts: Repost[]
- idsToReason: { [id: string]: string }
- },
- props: z
- .object({
- userId: z.string(),
- limit: z.coerce.number().gt(0).lte(100).default(100),
- offset: z.coerce.number().gte(0).default(0),
- ignoreContractIds: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'get-mana-supply': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as ManaSupply,
- props: z.object({}).strict(),
- },
- 'update-mod-report': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z
- .object({
- reportId: z.number(),
- updates: z
- .object({
- status: z
- .enum(['new', 'under review', 'resolved', 'needs admin'])
- .optional(),
- mod_note: z.string().optional(),
- })
- .partial(),
- })
- .strict(),
- returns: {} as { status: string; report: ModReport },
- },
- 'get-mod-reports': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'public',
- authed: true,
- props: z.object({}).strict(),
- returns: {} as { status: string; reports: ModReport[] },
- },
- 'get-txn-summary-stats': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as Row<'txn_summary_stats'>[],
- props: z
- .object({
- ignoreCategories: z.array(z.string()).optional(),
- fromType: z.string().optional(),
- toType: z.string().optional(),
- limitDays: z.coerce.number(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'get-mana-summary-stats': {
- method: 'GET',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as Row<'mana_supply_stats'>[],
- props: z
- .object({
- limitDays: z.coerce.number(),
- })
- .strict(),
- },
- 'register-gidx': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- props: verificationParams,
- returns: {} as RegistrationReturnType,
- },
- 'get-verification-status-gidx': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as {
- status: string
- documents?: GIDXDocument[]
- message?: string
- },
- props: z.object({}),
- },
- 'get-monitor-status-gidx': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as {
- status: string
- data: GIDXMonitorResponse
- },
- props: z.object({
- DeviceGPS: GPSProps,
- }),
- },
- 'get-verification-documents-gidx': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as {
- status: string
- documents: GIDXDocument[]
- utilityDocuments: GIDXDocument[]
- idDocuments: GIDXDocument[]
- rejectedDocuments: GIDXDocument[]
- },
- props: z.object({}),
- },
- 'upload-document-gidx': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: true,
- returns: {} as { status: string },
- props: z.object({
- CategoryType: z.number().gte(1).lte(7),
- fileName: z.string(),
- fileUrl: z.string(),
- }),
- },
- 'callback-gidx': {
- method: 'POST',
- visibility: 'undocumented',
- authed: false,
- returns: {} as { Accepted: boolean },
- props: z.object({
- MerchantCustomerID: z.string(),
- NotificationType: z.string(),
- }),
- },
-} as const)
-export type APIPath = keyof typeof API
-export type APISchema = (typeof API)[N]
-export type APIParams = z.input['props']>
-export type ValidatedAPIParams = z.output<
- APISchema['props']
-export type APIResponse = APISchema extends {
- returns: Record
- ? APISchema['returns']
- : void
-export type APIResponseOptionalContinue =
- | { continue: () => Promise; result: APIResponse }
- | APIResponse
- Here are all the code files in our project:
- backend/api/src/add-bounty.ts
-web/components/us-elections/ candidates/candidate-data.ts
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manifold-info.md b/manifold-info.knowledge.md
similarity index 100%
rename from manifold-info.md
rename to manifold-info.knowledge.md