Micro Project Based on Student Enrollment
E-mail : mangeshgdj@gmail.com
LINK : https://github.com/mangeshh09/Introduction-to-JsonPowerDB---V2.0
Title of the Project : Student Enrollment Form
Description : Student Enrollment Form that will store data in STUDENT-TABLE relation of SCHOOL-DB database. Input Fields: {Roll-No, Full-Name, Class, Birth-Date, Address, Enrollment-Date}
Primary key : Roll No.
Benefits of using JsonPowerDB : Simplest way to retrieve data in a JSON format. Schema-free, Simple to use, Nimble and In-Memory database. It is built on top of one of the fastest and real-time data indexing engine - PowerIndeX. It is low level (raw) form of data and is also human readable. It helps developers in faster coding, in-turn reduces development cost. Release History (release of your JsonPowerDB related code on Github)
Additional you can have : JsonPowerDB is a Real-time, High Performance, Lightweight and Simple to Use, Rest API based Multi-mode DBMS. JsonPowerDB has ready to use API for Json document DB, RDBMS, Key-value DB, GeoSpatial DB and Time Series DB functionality. JPDB supports and advocates for true serverless and pluggable API development.
Table of contents : Roll-No Student Full Name Class Birth-Date Address Enrollment-Date SAVE - INSERT CHANGE - UPDATE DELETE RESET
Illustrations :
Scope of functionalities :
Examples of use : can be used foe various other platforms like Online Examination Registration , Job Application , profile creation , and many more other uses .
Project status : Done
Sources : Introduction to JsonPowerDB - V2.0 https://careers.login2explore.com/course/view.php?id=14
Other information Sources : https://login2explore.com/jpdb/docs.html