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=== Html Template for Contact Form 7 ===
Contributors: codeboxr, manchumahara
Tags: contact form 7, Html Template, field,form field,cf7, cforms, contact form, contact forms, Contact Forms 7, contacted, contactform7, contacts, form, forms
Requires at least: 3.8.1
Tested up to: 5.8.2
Stable tag: 1.0.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Html template(s) for contact form 7 and more

== Description ==
This plugin helps to send beautiful and simple html email in contactform 7 if email type is html.

Using the configuration of this plugin for each form it's possible to choose logo, color of text, background etc and customize as need.

**Feature Details**

*	Add Extra tab in each form for Html Template Configuration
*	Enable/Disable Html Template Feature
*	Also Depends on **Mail** Tab config if set **Use HTML content type** yes
*	Responsive Email - fits for mobile, tab and large screen
*	Configuration for email color control, Footer Text, Custom Site Logo etc
*	Simple and Useful, Free & Open source

For details usages guide and support please check [the documentation](

**▶️ Watch Video**

== Installation ==

This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


1. Upload `cf7htmltemplate` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. This plugin need contact form 7 installed to work

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Screenshots ==

1. Template Configuration
2. Email Preview
3. Email Responsive View for mobile

== Changelog ==
= 1.0.3 =
* [Bug Fix] After 1.0.2 release bug still existed, html email sending now works perfectly. tested.

= 1.0.2 =
* [Minor] WordPress latest version compatible
* [Bug Fix] Fixed "Html Template Tab" saving. Old data may get lost after this update but new save will work.

= 1.0.1 =
* WordPress latest version compatible
* JS Improved

= 1.0.0 =
* First stable version released