A project that aims to disconnect others from your conversations,a basic private messaging app which does not have many features yet.
Currently Accounts are stored offline and their is no way to link account to more than one device. As the accounts are offline, I cannot see anything related to it. (Passwords are stored on device only so their is no way for me to see it) Account names are free to choose as they are not saved on servers their is no way to "Own" a username. Usertags are also not a thing yet.
Librem-Legacy is the wide support version of the Librem app, it gives support to wider range of devices and a faster experience at the cost of slightly worse UI and less functionality.
The app is in extremely early stages and everything here is subject to change, the app does not feature basic features like replies. Their is only one global chatroom.
When I can't even do basic things then why should I even use this? I never said that these features won't be their, its just that it does not have features yet.
The main perpose of the app is to provide you (the user) a basic template, the proper manner to use this app is to edit the source code and enter your own REDIS SERVER, compile the app and use it with your friends. The app does not aim at connecting the world instead, it dissconnects the world from your private conversations! Also the app is made entirely in AI2 so it can be edited with ease (Kotlin version has been halted for now)
AI2 was just a personal choice here, the reason is that AI2 is very user friendly and hence it can be used by people who has no coding experience, making the app more user friendly and also making contribution to the app simpler, which means that community can fix bugs way faster and you could make changes directly to the source code without much issues. Still I will eventually release a version made normally using kotlin or java as that would give me more freedom to add features.
SignUP UI only requires username and password (account is saved offline so you cannot access it anywhere else) ChatUI has just basic text message functionality Everytime you open the app you are required to Re-login (You have to enter the password everytime you open it) Chat can be reset
Login UI
Messages UI
Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/Ampers97nd/Librem-Legacy.git
Go to
- AI2 (Recommended because built in it)
- Kodular (I don't like it but here it is I guess)
- Android Builder (Recommended because more features)
- AI2 Offline (Recommended because offline support and slightly more features)
Import AIA file from the Source Code (Alternatively compile the decompiled folder and set extention as .aia and Import that)
Build Apk
- License: GNU GPL v3.0
- Current App Version: 1
- Current App Version Name: 0.1 Alpha
- Current App Status: Alpha
- Current Development Status: Supported
- Minimum SDK Version: 7 (Android 2.1 Eclairs)
- Target SDK Version: 33 (Android 13 T)
- APK Size: 4.18 mb