Releases: malramsay64/phd-thesis
Releases · malramsay64/phd-thesis
Release v0.8.0
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.8.0 editing(melting): Split conclusion into separate section. writing(introduction): Why crystal growth. fix: Equations not closed. fix: Missing symbol issue. fix: Layout issues. chore(bib): Update bibliography. style: Add DOI in bibliography where available.
Release v0.7.6
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.6 fix: Fix all undefined references. writing(dynamics): Include a conclusion. writing(dynamics): Add more details to steps. writing(melting): Document simulation methods. editing(melting): Remove material duplicated in intro. chore(env): Update pandoc to the latest version. style: Label all equations. editing: Minor style fixes. chore(env): Install open fonts in conda environment. chore: Simplify and improve fonts. editing: Decrease the width of figures. style: Simplify caption table captions on bottom. fix: Revert to 12 point fonts.
Release v0.7.5
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.5 writing(melting): Comparison with LW. writing(melting): Fluctuation model fits. writing(melting): Conclusion. writing(melting): Measurement of growth rates.. editing(melting): Clarify that melting is slow. editing(melting): Describing melting point. editing(introduction): Fixing up language and flow. editing(introduction): Intro to dynamics in introduction. writing(introduction): Describing OTP. editing: Minor fixes to sentences across the board. fix: This fixes citations and references. fix: Add labels to each chapter. chore(bib): Update bibliography. writing(introduction): Rotational jamming. writing(methods): Document quaternion operations. editing(methods): Move quaternion rotations to distance. writing(methods): Calculation of distances. fix: Correct equations. fix: More equation fixes. writing(ML): Algorithms used. writing(methods): Document reduced units. fix: Use the correct units. writing(ML): Create figures for ML in practice. fix: Remove quaternion rotations from thesis. editing: Minor fixes to formatting and references. chore(bib): Update bibliography. figure: Update placeholder to be grey.
Release v0.7.4
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.4 editing(melting): Fixing up and comparing timescales. editing(melting): More cohesive and structured. projects(melting): Update project with new figures. planning(melting): Start planning conclusion.
Release v0.7.3
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.3 fix: Rename longtable-patched to longtable. style: Format all captions nicely. writing(melting): Include packing and energy results. editing(melting): Minor edits to clarify. writing(melting): Document equation of fit for rates. fix: Typo in pandoc style file. projects(melting): Update melting project. editing(melting): Use correct greek letter. editing(melting): Making sense of the correct crystal. editing(melting): Improving polymorph stability. editing(melting): Removing unnecessary ideas and figures.
Release v0.7.2
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.2 planning(melting): Restructure results section. planning(melting): Crystal structure is in the introduction. writing(melting): Discuss timescales of motion. editing(melting): Improving wording of sections. planning(melting): Start section on clustering. chore(clean): Clean generated files on clean sub files. chore(style): Check return code of svg transformer. chore(deps): Bump Projects/Crystal_Melting from `90c4413` to `31d507d`. chore: Use svg files in html output. editing(melting): Restructure introduction. writing(melting): Restructuring and adding ideas. chore(ci): Create dependabot configuration. projects(melting): new and updated figures. writing(melting): Incorporate additional figures. fix: Fix equations to ensure correct build.
Release v0.7.1
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.1 editing: Move intro from ML to introduction. chore: Remove defects chapter. chore(appendix): Include data storage as appendix. chore(style): Use two levels within TOC. editing(dynamics): Consistency of style of vectors. fix: Use brackets around cos. fix: Include space after if in struct relax. chore(env): Update pandoc and pandoc-crossref. chore(env): Update tectonic to v0.1.12.
Release v0.7.0
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.7.0 This mostly completes the machine learning chapter. - editing(ML): Move description of problem to results. - editing(ML): Move intro to ML to start. - editing(ML): Put citation after punctuation. - editing(ML): Use numbers over letters for list. - writing(ML): Introduce machine learning and why. - editing(Melting): Add citations for Bond order parameters. - writing(ML): Existing approaches for crystal detection. - fix(citation): Correct year for citation. - planning(ML): Move ML algorithms to methods. - chore(bib): Update bibliography.
Release v0.6.2
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.6.2 - planning(methods): Document distance calculations. - editing(dynamics): Remove references to fixed issues. - style: Include version on title-page of thesis. - chore(style): Configure pandoc to label sections. - planning(ML): Background info in introduction. - chore(bib): Clean up bibliography. - editing(ML): Clarity in results chapter. - writing(ML): Start on introduction. - writing(Melting): Working on methods.
Release v0.6.1
chore(release): phd-thesis 0.6.1 - fix: Remove extra \right. - chore(bib): Update bibliography.