v0.3.0: chore(release): phd-thesis 0.3.0
- fix: Install instructions in README.
- writing(introduction): Create chapter in thesis.tex.
- fix(methods): Correct link to trimer figure.
- fix(methods): Correct equations.
- project(dynamics): Update figures in dynamics chapter.
- editing: Fixing of equations.
- chore: Ensure derivatives have a roman d.
- editing: Rewriting small sections for clarity.
- chore(bibliography): Update references.
- writing(methods): Use of random numbers.
- chore(deps): Update textlint-dead-link.
- fix: Configure pandoc to use listings for highlighting.
- chore(deps): Update pip.
- chore: Use complete paths for lints.
- chore(ci): Develop github actions for CI (#43).
- chore(ci): Remove conda cache from Travis.
- build(deps): bump alex from 7.1.0 to 8.0.0.
- build(deps): bump markdownlint from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0.
- planning(methods): Computational tools.
- planning: Crystallisation notes.
- project(rng): Include random number generator project.
- writing(methods): Writeup of computational methods.
- fix(style): Fix style lints in computational methods.
- fix: use https for module path.
- chore(bib): Update bibliography.
- chore: Include computational methods section in thesis.
- fix: Improper url in gitmodules.
- writing(methods): More writing of computations.
- chore(deps): Update dependencies.
- writing(methods): More on the interactive computing.
- chore(ci): Create env rather than update.
- chore(ci): No longer update conda on travis.
- writing(methods): Flesh out recommendations.
- writing(methods): Fill in details on recommendations.
- writing(methods): Start documenting my projects.
- planning(methods): Extra ideas for the comp methods.
- planning(methods): Ideas and structure for projects.
- chore(bib): Update bibliography ensuring none missing.
- projects: Update Projects including ensuring figures still work.
- chore: Rename projects to Projects.
- chore: Include projects in thesis.
- chore: Move Projects to the appendix.
- chore: Handle the creation of graphs using Graphviz.
- chore: Create an appendix in the thesis document.
- editing(methods): Get computational methods to read better.
- fix(figure): Shorted prod and equil in simulation.
- build(deps): bump textlint-rule-terminology from 1.1.30 to 2.0.1.
- chore(ci): Remove grammar check from github CI.
- fix(style): Ensure lists have whitespace surrounding.
- fix: Only output from lints for issues.