This is a demo showing the Capcom logo on the Super Nintendo and Super Famicom.
It is built and tested with PVSnesLib, develop branch and MSYS2:
Windows 10
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Open the root directory with Visual Studio Code
- Build: Shit+Ctrl+B
- Open logo.sfc with a SNES Emulator
Then execute in MSYS2 terminal: pacman -Sy mingw-w64-ucrt-x86_64-pcre2
In snes_rules, add @cp
@echo Assembling ...
u16 pal[sizepal]; pal[0] = RGB8(100,10,10); pal[1] = RGB8(10,10,100); ... pal[15] = RGB8(10,255,10);
dmaCopyCGram((u8 ) pal,numpal * 16, sizepal2);
magick spritesheet.png +repage -crop 16x16 tiles\tile%04d.png
- open your graphic file with the converter and save tiles + tmx file (converter is here:
- put tmx + png tile files in a directory and open tmx with tiled
- change tile properties (attribute/palette/priority) if you want
- save tmx file as a json file with file/export in Tiled
- take a look at sample to open your map file and display it on screen
Options are:
--- Graphics options ---
-gb add blank tile management (for multiple bgs)
-gp Output in packed pixel format
-glz Output in lzss compressed pixel format
-gs(8|16|32|64) Size of image blocks in pixels [8]
--- Map options ---
-m! Exclude map from output
-m Convert the whole picture
-mp Convert the whole picture with high priority
-m7 Convert the whole picture for mode 7 format
-m5 Convert the whole picture for mode 5 & 6 512 width hires
-mc Generate collision map only
-ms# Generate collision map only with sprites table
where # is the 1st tile corresponding to a sprite (0 to 255)
-mn# Generate the whole picture with an offset for tile number
where # is the offset in decimal (0 to 2047)
-mR! No tile reduction (not advised)
-m32p Generate tile map organized in pages of 32x32 (good for scrolling)
-me Convert the map for PVSneslib map engine
-mt(filename) Tileset picture filename (PNG,BMP,PCX) for PVSneslib map engine matching
--- Palette options ---
-p! Exclude palette from output.
-pc(4|16|128|256) The number of colors to use [256]
-po# The number of colors to output (0 to 256) to the filename.pal
-pe# The palette entry to add to map tiles (0 to 16)
-pr Rearrange palette, and preserve palette numbers in the tilemap
-pR Palette rounding
--- File options ---
-f[bmp|pcx|tga|png] convert a bmp or pcx or tga or png file [bmp]
--- Misc options ---
-n no border
-q quiet mode
-v Display gfx2snes version information\
gfx2snes: error 'Detected more colors in one 8x8 tile than is allowed'
vhopppcccccccccc v/h = Vertical/Horizontal flip this tile. o = Tile priority. ppp = Tile palette. The number of entries in the palette depends on the Mode and the BG. cccccccccc = Tile number.
Sprite Table 1 (4-bytes per sprite)
byte OBJ4+0: xxxxxxxx x: X coordinate
byte OBJ4+1: yyyyyyyy y: Y coordinate
byte OBJ4+2: cccccccc c: Starting tile #
byte OBJ4+3: vhoopppc v: vertical flip h: horizontal flip o: priority bits
p: palette # c:sprite size (e.g. 8x8 or 16x16 pixel)
Sprite Table 2 (2 bits per sprite) bits 0,2,4,6 - Enable or disable the X coordinate's 9th bit. bits 1,3,5,7 - Toggle Sprite size: 0 - small size 1 - large size
Xxxxxxxxx = X position of the sprite. Basically, consider this signed but see below. yyyyyyyy = Y position of the sprite.^ cccccccc = First tile of the sprite.^^ N = Name table of the sprite. See below for the calculation of the VRAM address. ppp = Palette of the sprite. The first palette index is 128+ppp*16. oo = Sprite priority. See below for details. h/v = Horizontal/Vertical flip flags.^^^ s = Sprite size flag. See below for details.
^Values 0-239 are on-screen. -63 through -1 are "off the top", so the bottom part of the sprite comes in at the top of the screen. Note that this implies a really big sprite can go off the bottom and come back in the top.
^^See below for the calculation of the VRAM address. Note that this could also be considered as 'rrrrcccc' specifying the row and column of the tile in the 16x16 character table.
^^^Note this flips the whole sprite, not just the individual tiles. However, the rectangular sprites are flipped vertically as if they were two square sprites (i.e. rows "01234567" flip to "32107654", not "76543210").
The sprite size is controlled by bits 5-7 of $2101, and the Size bit of OAM. $2101 determines the two possible sizes for all sprites. If the OAM Size flag is 0, the sprite uses the smaller size, otherwise it uses the larger size.'s-guide-to-dma-and-hdma-on-the-snes
The HDMA Table has any number of "cells". Each cell tells the HDMA logic what value to send to the Destination register during the next N HBlanks, where N is any value from 1 to 128. If bit 8 of the N value is set, then the value is written EVERY HBlank; if bit 8 is zero, then the value is only written ONCE, the first time, and N-1 lines are skipped. The value $80 is a special case; it writes EVERY HBlank for 128 lines.
SNES Sound Ripper
- Convert SPC file to IT file
./spc2it music.spc -r 128
Download link:
- Open with OpenMPT
- Select general section:
Click on IT (Impulse Tracker) button Select 8 channels Click on Ok Remove channels 9 to 16 (stereo) Click on Ok
Note: Only 8 channels are available on SNES.
- Select Patterns section:
Remove the duplicated patterns for stereo
Example: If you have 100 patterns, keep the 50 first patterns and remove the other ones.
- Select Instruments section:
Ctrl+D or Select Duplicate Instrument
Note: This will create all the needed instruments
- Select Edit> Cleanup...
Select Rearrange in Samples section in the window
Click on Ok
=> That should remove the duplicated patterns in Sequences => That should remove the unused Samples
- Select Automatic Sample Trimmer (optional)
Note: this will reduce the size of your IT file
if (!(last_pad0 & KEY_X) && (pad0 & KEY_X)) to tell if X has just been pressed
- Example of a function returning a number:
lda.w #53
sta.b tcc__r0
Execute in Powershell: Remove-Item $env:USERPROFILE\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\python*.exe
Disable Python in App execution aliases