A command-line tool for the Fish shell that leverages the power of FZF to enable quick navigation of files and directories organized according to the Johnny Decimal system.
- Quick navigation to directories using FZF.
- Integration with the Johnny Decimal filing system for organized directories.
- Fish shell
- Fish shell
- Fisher (to install plugins in Fish shell):
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jorgebucaran/fisher/main/functions/fisher.fish | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher
- Shell GPT
- An API key is required
- FZF:
sudo apt install fzf
orbrew install fzf
You can install the package with fisher
fisher install majid-khonji/johnny-decimal-navigator
Or, you may do it manually.
- Clone the repository to your local machine.
- Copy
to your Fish functions directory, usually located at~/.config/fish/functions/
The default shortcut is Ctrl+O.
You can add a different keyboard shortcut to your Fish configuration file (~/.config/fish/config.fish
) to use the jd
bind \ca jd
This will bind the Ctrl+A.