- buyt - بایت (از ترکیب دو کلمهی buy it درست شده است)
- See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau
- Boxor
- autoshop
- چکه در اصل از کلمهی تیک انگلیسی (check mark) گرفته شده است. هر خریدی که انجام میدهید را با زدن تیک (چک مارک) از لیست سفارش به لیست خرید اضافه کنید. میزان خریدها و مخارج خود را چک کنید.
- شاپتیک (shoptick)
- ماله (از کلمهی mall گرفته شده است. به کلمهی مال (ثروت) فارسی هم شباهت دارد)
- مال در مال (مال در mall)
- صندوق
- source: new-logo-hidden-parts-removed.svg
- foreground
- trim: no
- resize: 70%
The signing information is stored in the file local.properties which is not added to VCS. The signing info is also available in the Secrets section of the GitHub repository. Also, the signing info and its key file are available in one my private repositories.
To fix the paths, so they can be morphed, the following options are available:
- A tool called VectAlign which is located in the /icons directory (see this SO post).
- Good old Shape Shifter
Android has a settings called Enable preview [something] in Settings -> Developer Settings that shows fake full battery and LTE and so on in the notification area which makes it more appropriate for app screenshots.
To scale a font down/up do this:
- Download FontForge
- Open the font in FontForge
- Select all the glyphs by pressing CTRL + A
- Select Elements -> Transformations -> Transform
- Select Scale Uniformly... from the drop down
- After scaling, generate the font in desired format
- Sometimes app crashes. (For me once when I tapped on a store in stores screen, the app jumped to main screen). The logcat in my phone showed an error process died fore TOP see this post and its links.
- This error occured once when I had searched for the store (not skipping), after the
store was found, entering price for items and then after hitting done button the app exited:
(got the log in Windows with this command:adb logcat -t "02-25 10:10:10.000"
which gots all the logs after February 25th 10:10:10) - To fix the bug when sort or filter buttons are clicked very fast successively, see this
02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.pleon.buyt, PID: 13524 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.NullPointerException 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at q3.e.d(:13) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at n3.h.onClick(:3) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.View.performClick(View.java:7259) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.View.performClickInternal(View.java:7236) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.View.access$3600(View.java:801) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.view.View$PerformClick.run(View.java:27892) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:883) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:100) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7356) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:491) 02-27 11:54:22.443 13524 13524 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:940)
Make an FSM (finite state machine) diagram of Buyt states and add it to repository.
Use segmented buttons instead of a custom toggle button for item unit
Mention in the about screen that some icons are adapted and inspired by other icons found on web
Migrate the splash screen to Android 12 Splash screens
Provide animated images in notification on Android 12 (https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12/features#enriched_image_support_for_notifications)
Migrate from SharedPreferences to DataStore
Use the new LocationRequest.Builder introduced in Android 12
Make tables in HTML export responsive. See this codepen
Improve the dependencies block in the build script. See this article
Migrate the purchasing code to Poolaki
Add a changelog page (or button) so the user can see the full history and changelog of all versions of the app
Add a button to store item for editing store name
Add a button to store item for viewing the store on maps (using intents to open on external map apps)
Add a plus botton to stores bottom app bar to open an external map for getting lat and long and then showing create store dialog
Convert the quantity to an editable text fiend and enable the edition when transitioning to buy state.
Add export to PDF to export options
Add backup and restore option to backup all app data to Google Drive (using Google Drive API)
Add option to change the empty hint animated icon of the main screen
Show line chart y-axis labels when using logarithmic scale
Reimplement the pie chart
- Make lines start at the center of the slice (instead of starting at the edge of the slice)
- Make the width of the pie chart consistent across different DPIs
Add an option to settings to toggle the line chart y axis between regular and logarithmic values
if the bottomAppBar is hidden (by scrolling) and then you expand an Item, the fab jumps up The bug seems to have nothing to do with the expanding animation and persists even without that animation
Add a button (custom view) at the end of SelectionListAdapter to create a new Store
Add a separator (e.g. comma) in every 3 digits of price and other numeric fields
Convert the main screen layout to ConstraintLayout and animate it (it seems possible with the help of guidelines)
Add feature to select a date to see its costs
Add new categories (icons are already available in /icons/material-icons/)
Use vector illustrations and animated vectors instead of tutorial screenshots and empty hints
Write tests for the application
Rename the package name to ir.mahozad (?)
Wrap the text Already bought in a button (or a rectangle around it) to indicate it's clickable
When user adds a new item, somehow indicate that the item was added
Update the string "کالای ... حذف شد" to "... حذف شد"
In already bought section show a prompt in the store dialog when there is no store
For application first run add some placeholder items and explain in the item title how to delete them and so on
Show extended stats about items (most purchased items, most expensive items and so on) and stores
Reimplement the item suggestion popup
Add ability to backup all the data to user google drive account
Add ability to export all the user data to xml, json, csv and so on
Add ability to delete all application data (can just insert a shortcut to app settings -> clear data)(https://stackoverflow.com/q/6134103)
Add automatic theme option which adapts to system theme (= day/night theme)
Remove all nullable values and null checks
Localize the app: [poeditor.com]
Add an option so when a new item is added the fragment pop up be dismissed immediately
Make separate free and paid version flavors for the app
Upgrade to paid option vs two separate free and paid flavors
Limit the max buys in a day in free version to 3
Suggestion: instead of embedding map in the application, the app can use an implicit intent to show map provided by other apps (e.g. google map) see [https://developer.android.com/training/basics/intents/sending]
In onDestroy(), onPause() and... do the reverse things you did in onCreate(), onResume() and...
Convert all ...left and ...right attributes to ...start and ...end
Show a small progress bar of how much has been spent if user has set a limit on spends
Use downloadable fonts instead of integrating the font in the app to reduce the app size
New version of MaterialCardView will include a setCheckedIcon. check it out
Show a prompt (or an emoji or whatever) when there is no items in the home screen
Use kotlin coroutines see[https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/room-coroutines-422b786dc4c5]
For testing app components see [https://developer.android.com/jetpack/docs/guide#test-components]
Enable the user to disable location rationale dialog and always enter stores manually
What is Spherical Law of Cosines? (for locations)
Try to first provide an MVP (minimally viable product) version of the app
Add a button to store cards which opens the store location in a map application
Add android.support.annotation to the app
For every new version of the app display a what's new page on first app open
Use list-item selection in recycler view; see [https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout/recyclerview#select]
For the item list to only one item be expanded see https://stackoverflow.com/q/27203817/8583692
I can request the necessary permissions in the end of the app tutorial
Redesign the logo in 24 by 24 grid in inkscape to make it crisp (like standard icons)
Add widgets for the app see[https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/appwidgets/overview]
Make icons animation durations consistent
Add option in settings to set the default item quantity in add new item activity (1 seems good)
Reimplement item unit switch button with this approach: https://stackoverflow.com/a/48640424/8583692
Add a functionality to merge another device data to a device (e.g. can merge all family spending data to father's phone)
Add an action in bottomAppBar in Add Item activity to select a date for showing the item in home page
Use DiffUtil class (google it!) instead of calling notifyDataSetChanged() method of adapter
For correct margins of cards, Texts, ... see the page of that component in design section of material.io
disable the reorder items icon in bottomAppBar when number of items is less than 2 (by 'enabled' property of the menu item)
Embed ads in between of regular items
Collapse the chart when scrolling down (with coordinatorLayout)
extract margins and dimensions into xml files
Add snap to center for recyclerView items
Add option in settings to enable/disable showing urgent items at top of the list
Use a ViewStub in AddItemFragment layout for the part that is not shown until bought is checked see [https://developer.android.com/training/improving-layouts/loading-ondemand]
Add an option in settings for the user to be able to add a pinned shortcut to e.g. add item screen see [https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/shortcuts/creating-shortcuts]
Do you have multiple tables in your database and find yourself copying the same Insert, Update and Delete methods? DAOs support inheritance, so create a BaseDao class, and define your generic @Insert,... there. Have each DAO extend the BaseDao and add methods specific to each of them.
- Most purchased item of each store (this query is incomplete)
SELECT Store.name AS 'Store name', Item.name AS 'Item name', Count(*) AS 'Purchase count'
FROM Item JOIN Purchase ON Item.purchaseId = Purchase.purchaseId
JOIN Store ON store.storeId = Purchase.storeId
GROUP BY Store.storeId, Item.name
ORDER BY Store.storeId, "Purchase count" DESC;
-- LIMIT 1; -- This shows the first group not the first item of each group
- Most constly purchase
Purchase.purchaseId AS "Purchase id",
strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS "Purchase date",
Store.name AS "Store name",
Item.name AS "Item name",
Item.totalPrice AS "Item price"
-- Sum(Item.totalPrice) AS "Total cost"
FROM Item JOIN Purchase ON Item.purchaseId = Purchase.purchaseId
JOIN Store ON Store.storeId = Purchase.storeId
WHERE Purchase.purchaseId = (
SELECT Purchase.purchaseId
FROM Item JOIN Purchase ON Item.purchaseId = Purchase.purchaseId
GROUP BY Purchase.purchaseId
ORDER BY Sum(Item.totalPrice) DESC
ORDER BY Item.totalPrice DESC;
-- OR another partial solution
-- Purchase.purchaseId,
-- Purchase.date,
-- Item.name AS "Item name",
-- Item.totalPrice AS "Item price",
-- Sum(Item.totalPrice) AS "Total cost"
-- FROM Item JOIN Purchase ON Item.purchaseId = Purchase.purchaseId
-- GROUP BY Purchase.purchaseId
-- ORDER BY Sum(totalPrice) DESC
-- LIMIT 1;
- Purchase with most item variety
strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS "Purchase date",
Item.name AS "Item name"
FROM Purchase JOIN Item ON Purchase.purchaseId = Item.purchaseId
WHERE Purchase.purchaseId = (
FROM Purchase JOIN Item ON Purchase.purchaseId = Item.purchaseId
GROUP BY Purchase.purchaseId
-- OR to get the count column
strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS "Purchase date",
ItemCount AS "Item types",
Item.name AS "Item name"
FROM Purchase JOIN Item ON Purchase.purchaseId = Item.purchaseId
SELECT Purchase.purchaseId AS PMaxId, Count(DISTINCT Item.name) AS ItemCount
FROM Purchase JOIN Item ON Purchase.purchaseId = Item.purchaseId
GROUP BY Purchase.purchaseId
) ON Purchase.purchaseId = PMaxId;
- Date with most purchase count
strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS "Date",
Count(*) AS "Purchase count"
-- ,Sum(Item.totalPrice) AS "Total cost"
FROM Purchase
-- JOIN Item ON Purchase.purchaseId = Item.purchaseId
GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
-- Also showing the total cost of all the items in all the purchases of that day
SELECT theDate AS "Date", purchaseCount AS "Purchase count", Sum(Item.totalPrice) AS "Total cost"
FROM Item JOIN Purchase ON Item.purchaseId = Purchase.purchaseId
strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') AS theDate,
Count(*) AS purchaseCount
FROM Purchase
GROUP BY strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')
) ON strftime('%Y-%m-%d', Purchase.date, 'unixepoch', 'localtime') = theDate
- Most purchased items (in regard to occuring in different purchases not item count in each purchase)
SELECT Item.name AS "Item name", Count(*) AS "Item count"
GROUP BY Item.name
This application is provided by Pleon at no cost, as an Ad-supported app and is intended for use as is. Which1 neither collect nor share your information with anyone; however, the app does use third-party services that may collect your information. The free version of Which1 may contain Ads that link to external entities. By clicking on Ads you will be directed to a website that is not operated by us so we have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any of these sites or services.
And as Google states in its terms of service: \"Don’t misuse our Services. For example, don’t try to access our Services using a method other than the interface and the instructions that we provide.
We may suspend or stop providing our Services to you if you do not comply with our terms or policies or if we are investigating suspected misconduct.\"
the use of this application may be illegal in your country.
https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/coroutines https://developer.android.com/kotlin/coroutines/coroutines-best-practices https://developer.android.com/training/data-storage/room/async-queries https://developer.android.com/codelabs/advanced-kotlin-coroutines#9 https://developer.android.com/kotlin/flow/test https://elizarov.medium.com/shared-flows-broadcast-channels-899b675e805c https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/migrating-from-livedata-to-kotlins-flow-379292f419fb https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/room-flow-273acffe5b57 https://medium.com/androiddevelopers/a-safer-way-to-collect-flows-from-android-uis-23080b1f8bda https://proandroiddev.com/should-we-choose-kotlins-stateflow-or-sharedflow-to-substitute-for-android-s-livedata-2d69f2bd6fa5 https://proandroiddev.com/from-rxjava-2-to-kotlin-flow-threading-8618867e1955 https://proandroiddev.com/kotlin-coroutines-patterns-anti-patterns-f9d12984c68e https://proandroiddev.com/kotlin-coroutines-channels-csp-android-db441400965f
Coroutines created with scopes lifecycleScope
and viewModelScope
do not need to
be canceled in activity or viewModel onDestroy method.
Executes a testBody inside an immediate execution dispatcher.
This is similar to runBlocking
but it will immediately progress past delays and
into launch and async blocks. You can use this to write tests that execute in the
presence of calls to delay without causing your test to take extra time.