Testo is a powerful script-based testing automation application designed for Android games. It enables developers to efficiently test their games using a variety of pre-defined test scenarios and easily customizable scripts. By leveraging Testo, you can significantly reduce manual testing efforts, increase test coverage, and enhance overall game quality.
- Script-based testing: Easily write and customize test scripts using JavaScript to fit your specific needs.
- Image recognition: Testo utilizes OpenCV for image recognition, allowing you to interact with the game based on visual elements.
- Device compatibility: Compatible with both real Android devices and emulators such as Nox.
- Extensible API: Testo provides a simple and extensible API for tapping, swiping, and waiting on conditions.
- Cross-platform support: Developed primarily for Windows, with potential for Mac and Linux support in the future.
Testo requires the following libraries:
- Boost 1.69.0 (https://www.boost.org/)
- OpenCV 4.0.0 (https://opencv.org/)
- V8 JavaScript Engine (https://v8.dev/)
- spdlog (https://github.com/gabime/spdlog)
Follow the instructions provided by each library to build and install them on your system. Once all the required libraries are installed, you can build Testo using CMake.
A base JavaScript file, testo.js, contains pre-defined JavaScript semantics for various test scenarios. An executable Testo file reads testo.js once at runtime when it initializes. Place the testo.js file in the sample folder with testo.exe.
function testcase(name, testcaseFunction) {
print("javascript - Start TestCase : " + name);
print("javascript - Finish TestCase : " + name);
function Image(name, filePath) {
return {
name: name, filePath: filePath
-h [ --help ] this help message
-s [ --script ] arg path to your script file
-d [ --device ] arg an android device id (to get an id, use adb.exe command
like this <adb.exe devices>
-a [ --adb ] arg <optional> path to adb.exe (including directory and
executable name. eg. /usr/local/bin/adb,
C:/Android/nox_adb.exe). if it's not specified, this
program will try to run adb.exe in current directory
passion. (it can be pointing to path for customized adb
like nox_adb
-k [ --apk ] arg <optional> path to apk file. if it's specified, this
program will try to install and run it
-p [ --package ] arg <optional> package name to start before script
--debug <optional> print logs in debug verbosity
testo -s yourscript.js -a "{full path to adb.exe}" -d {device_id} -p {package_name_to_start_with}"
If you want to use Nox emulator instead of real mobile device
testo -s yourscript.js -a "C:/Program Files/Nox/bin/nox_adb.exe" -d -p com.etlegame.reversi
yourscript.js means really a script you written.
testcase('first test', function() {
return (matchImage(new Image('title', 'http://imagelocation')));
}, 60 );
tapImage(new Image('single player', 'http://imagelocation'));
testcase('just swipe test', function() {
- tap(x,y) - tap x,y of the screen
- swipe(x1,y1,x2,y2) - swipe from x1,y1 to x2,y2
- tapImage(image, matchingRate) : find image from a screenshot. then tap the center of the screenshot.
- waitUntilCondition(condition) : wait until condition turns to be true. condition can be defined as a function.
- Scripting support tool. (screenshot, axis) (We have web-based scripting tool already)
- Supporting android UI automator features.
- Make possible to use Unity and Unreal Game engine object. (We have SDK already)