Languages used: HTML,CSS,JAVA SCRIPT
IDE: VS-Code
Note: Bot is deployed and its for contact us page,The bot created by using Microsoft Health bot service
Project Title:Medica
Industry : Health
Problem Statement/Oppertunity:
This is the prototype website for connecting and interacting with patients through world wide web.And its more static and flexible and easy to use.This website is desigened by using purly Microsoft Asure services and some other programing languages.
Project Description :
Core Idea of Project is to build a sample prototype for Hospital Colabrated Website with customer care Bot for a Hospital with the help of HTML, CSS. This website is most visible and helpful to the patients Who have internet Access and connected to World Wide Web. The primary goal of sample prototype is to cansult best docters to solve their problems speedily via Bot . This project deals with developing a website for Health Care Organisation. We are using Azure Technologies with GitHub to complete this project.
Primary Azure Technology :
Azure Health Bot Service[Used inwebsite to suggest solutions for the people]
Static Web Apps[used to deploy this website]
Other Azure Technologies : App Services.
Project Demo Link:
Demo Video: